Brian Stefanchuk

Brian Stefanchuk Portrait
Brian Stefanchuk
brian.stefanchuk [at] (brian[dot]stefanchuk[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology

Brian has been active in electronic and embedded design for almost four decades. His industrial experience includes test engineering, product design and development.

Brian has brought this experience to the classroom at several colleges and universities, and is currently coordinating the Computer Engineering Technician and Technology Programs at Mohawk College. His academic interests include Programmable Logic Design, Embedded Systems and Digital Signal Processing.

With a B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering from Toronto Metropolitan University as well as a M. Sc. in Instructional Design from Capella University, Brian has published many of his own text books for his courses including Fiber-Optics, Engineering Applications, Embedded Systems and Electronic Design Automation.