Future Ready Blog

Jaffar at IAHS campus

Jaffar’s Journey: How getting involved on campus is helping him forge lifelong connections

College is a keystone moment in your life. Not only are you entering a new phase of your education to accomplish your goals, but you're embarking on a journey of self-discovery. Although it's easy to get wrapped up in academics, remember that college isn't just about your classes. It's also about...
Elizabeth Joy sitting in the DBARC

Beyond the books: How Elizabeth-Joy brings her passion for helping people into her role at the MSA

Elizabeth-Joy Phillips l oves working with people and doing everything she can to help them. Her passion has led her to the Social Service W orker program at M ohawk C ollege, and her unstoppable drive has helped to secure her current role as P resident of M ohawk S tudent A ssociation (MSA) . She...