Future Ready Blog

glass jars for storing cereal

Tips for Plastic Free July

Brought to you by the Sustainability Office . Plastic Free July challenges people to reduce their impact on the planet by reducing and refusing single-use plastics during the month of July. You can sign up for the challenge at the Plastic Free July website, where you’ll also find great tips on...
vegetables layed out on white background

Celebrate Local Food Week!

Brought to you by the Sustainability Office . This week is Local Food Week in Ontario – celebrating food that is grown and processed in Ontario . To celebrate , we are diving into why and how you can eat local. Now more than ever, we are seeing people engage with local food, and for good reason...
Flags of Asian Countries

May is Asian Hertiage Month

May marks Asian Heritage Month, a celebration that has been observed in communities across Canada since the 1990s and was made official in 2002, when the Government of Canada signed an official declaration to designate May as Asian Heritage Month. Immigration from Asian countries dates back to the...