Mature Applicants

  • Mature applicants aged 19 and over
  • Applicants who are not currently in secondary school

Mohawk recognizes that life changes people’s directions. That’s why it is NOT necessary for Mature Students to have completed a secondary school diploma to enter a Mohawk College program.

Mohawk welcomes students from many backgrounds:

  • Many Mohawk students arrive after being away from school and/or in the labour force for one year or more
  • Almost 1/3 of Mohawk students are aged 23 or over, and there are students from every generation.
  • Mohawk considers a mature applicant to be anyone 19 years of age or older who is planning to attend a full or part-time program at Mohawk College.
  • Adult learners are an important part of our Mohawk community.
  • With a variety of work and life experiences, adult learners contribute their valuable perspectives to classroom and training programs, while at the same time obtaining new knowledge and skills.

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