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Alumni Spotlight Stories

 Read about Mohawk College graduates and learn about their career journeys and involvement in the community.

Krista Murray Portrait
Public Relations and Corporate Communications

Graduate Krista Murray ‘08 returns to campus to share her knowledge and experience with future graduates.

Lacey VanEvery Portrait
Registered Practical Nurse to BSCN

An experienced nurse, Lacey VanEvery ‘06 has led her team and community through crisis.

Brian Henry Portrait
Marketing/Business Administration

Brian Henry ‘91 has met the challenge of changing jobs time and time again, creating a diverse career weaved with experience from many diff

Yash Shastri Portrait
Automotive Service Technician, Autism and Behavioural Science

For much of his life, Yash Shastri dreamt of working on cars as a mechanic, until one young boy influenced him to change 

Man smiles as he operates mill machinery.
Industrial Mechanic (Millwright)

Dyar Hussain ‘16 was thinking about his post-secondary options when he remembered Mohawk College.

Giovanni Cisternino
Manufacturing Engineering Technician - Automation

Giovanni Cisternino ’04 took his passion and found his purpose as a teacher in the manufacturing engineering field.

Roger Halerimana
Manufacturing Engineering Technician - Automation

By Linda Rourke ‘90

Myles Smith
Urban and Regional Planning Technician - Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Graduate, Myles Smith ’13 used his class project to land a real-world job as an urban planner.