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Alumni Spotlight Stories

 Read about Mohawk College graduates and learn about their career journeys and involvement in the community.

Brian Henry Portrait
Marketing/Business Administration

Brian Henry ‘91 has met the challenge of changing jobs time and time again, creating a diverse career weaved with experience from many diff

Rouxanne Irving
Business - Accounting

Since arriving to Mohawk in 2011, Rouxanne Irving ’12 found her place in the International Department working first in the on-campus employment pro

Jane Cooper

In 2012, Jane Cooper was looking for a change in her life. 

Anthony Frisina
Enterprise Business, Computer Systems Technology - Web Applications, Office Administration - Executive/General, Office Administration - Executive/General

Can you enter a building without assistance?

Lina Bian
Business - Marketing

Business Marketing graduate, Lina “Crystal” Bian came to Canada and Mohawk as a mature student, with a 15-year career behind her, as an Internation

Raymond Watkins

Taking an ice bridge to get to work four hours north of Whitehorse may sound daunting, but after quitting his job and going back to school as a bra

Dave Pond
Business Administration

Dave Pond ‘84 has a career that is a testament to the profound impact teachers can have on a student’s future.

Joseph Truscott
Business Administration

Mohawk College has been the alma mater of many distinguished graduates.