Corporate Policies and Procedures

Welcome to the Mohawk College Corporate Policies and Procedures web page. This site is intended as a convenient reference for all members of the College community and functions to ensure consistency in the application of College rules and regulations. On this site, you will be able to access all active College policies and procedures. Should any concern arise as to the accuracy of any procedure posted on this webpage, the document that is maintained by the department or area concerned shall be deemed to be in force.

Any questions you may have regarding policies should be directed to the appropriate "owner" of the policy or the Divisional Coordinator, Corporate Services, Paola Fabrizio, paola.fabrizio [at] (Email Paola.)

Policies and procedures are available in accessible formats upon request.

Regular Policy Updates

NEW Employee Code of Conduct Policy

The purpose of this Employee Code of Conduct Policy is to:

  • Emphasize the College’s values as the basis for all we do and how we appropriately interact with others.
  • Outline the foundational professional conduct standards and expectations for all Mohawk College employees.
  • Provide everyone who learns and works at the College with an inclusive, welcoming, and supportive environment.
  • Articulate the College’s commitment to maintaining a safe and healthy work environment which fosters learning, development, and dignity; and
  • Ensure Mohawk College remains a trusted public institution, community partner, and educational destination for students, employees, and community members.

Contact: Megan Mascarin, Chief Human Resources Officer, megan.mascarin [at] (Email Megan)

REVISED Fee, Withdrawal and Tuition Refund Policy

This policy has been updated with minor changes only, including, language clarity and updating section 6.6 to reflect Continuing Education processes.

This policy outlines the requirements related to fees, withdrawals and tuition refunds associated with postsecondary, continuing education and apprenticeship students.  Mohawk College is committed to a consistent, equitable and transparent process related to the sharing of fee information and to support a student's decision to withdraw from the college.

Contact: Krista Welsh, Registrar, krista.welsh [at] (Email Krista)

REVISED Technology Based Delivery (Degrees) Policy

This policy has been updated with minor changes only, including, updated language related to IT Services and cyber security. 

This policy presents a framework for the technology based delivery of degree level programs at Mohawk College.

Contact: Nair LaCruz, Director of Special Initiatives, nair.lacruz [at] (Email Nair)

REVISED Acceptance of Payment Cards Policy

This policy has been updated with administrative changes only. 

The purpose of Mohawk College’s Acceptance of Payment Cards Policy is to outline the responsibilities of individuals who accept and process payment cards on behalf of the College. This policy will also establish procedures for accepting, processing and storing information relating to payment card transactions at the College that will minimize risk and are within the rules, regulations and guidelines established by the Payment Card Industry (PCI).

Contact: Larissa Arcari, Manager, Accounting Services, larissa.arcari [at] (Email Larissa )or Andrew Frank, Director, Information Security and Governance andrew.frank [at] (Email Andrew)

REVISED Program Curriculum Policy

This policy has been revised to update key definitions, strengthen references and framing to Universal Design for Learning, incorporation of work integrated learning into course outline, updated approval levels for course evaluation plans and final grade calculation and updated appendices. 

This policy presents a framework for the creation, approval, maintenance, storage, retrieval and distribution of program information relative to all programs and courses offered by Mohawk College.

Contact: Janet Shuh, Dean, CE, Acad Quality & CTL, janet.shuh [at] (Email Janet)

REVISED Student Feedback on Teaching Policy

This policy has been revised to include Apprenticeship programs and a new Student Feedback on Teaching Procedure. 

This policy is intended to provide a framework for collecting and disseminating student feedback on course and program content and teaching.

Contact: Janet Shuh, Dean, CE, Acad Quality & CTL, janet.shuh [at] (Email Janet)

REVISED Return to Work Policy

This policy has been revised to incorporate the Short-Term Disability - Supplement Policy, to address mental health, expand on understanding of what modified/transitional duties, and to expand definitions, including reasonable accommodation and non-occupational illness. The policy now includes a dispute resolution process. 

This Policy is written with the intention of promoting a fair, transparent and just process that is respectful of each employee’s individual health situation and rights while also administering the business of the College in a responsible manner.  The purpose of this Policy is to ensure effective, proactive and consistent management of cases relating to return to work (RTW). This can consist of short or long‑term disability (occupational or non-occupational), in addition to requests for accommodations related to medical reasons. 

The specific objectives of this Policy are: 

  1. To ensure that all individuals involved in the Return to Work are treated with dignity and respect;
  2. To confirm the College’s commitment to providing appropriate support and assistance to employees over the course of the employee’s recovery, and their safe and timely return to meaningful work; 
  3. To develop a RTW management framework through which individual Return to Work cases are managed; 
  4. To outline a process to accommodate employees who have medical restrictions and limitations with respect to their Return-to-Work arrangements; 
  5. To promote the administration of Return-to-Work process in a fair and supportive manner; and 
  6. To fulfil the requirements of applicable policies and procedures, collective agreements and relevant legislation, including but not limited to the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Occupational Health and Safety Act of Ontario. 

Contact: Vijay Patel, Director, Health Safety and Wellnessvijay.patel4 [at] (subject: Health%20and%20Safety%20Policy) ( Email Vijay)

REVISED Violence Prevention and Protection Policy

This policy has been updated to be consistent with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, to incorporate principles of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, and, clearly address domestic violence and the creation of a safety plan. 

This policy sets out the reporting and complaint process as well as the framework to enhance the safety and security of the College Community, respond to situations involving serious threats and acts of violence on College premises and at College-related events and minimize the probability of recurrence of dangerous situations and behaviours.

Contact: Vijay Patel, Director, Health Safety and Wellnessvijay.patel4 [at] (subject: Health%20and%20Safety%20Policy) ( Email Vijay)

REVISED Procurement Policy (formerly Purchasing Policy)

This policy has been revised to reflect changes to the Broader Public Sector Procurement Directive, including, increases to procurement thresholds, supplier code of conduct, waiver of purchasing for non-competitive procurement and Build Ontario Business Initiative. 

The purpose of this policy is to detail the principles, procedures, roles and responsibilities for the procurement of goods and services, including construction, consulting services, information technology, research expenditures, no cost purchases and revenue generating Contracts. Furthermore, the policy is to:

  • ensure compliance with applicable legislative and regulatory procurement requirements, including:
    • the Broader Public Sector Procurement Directive Act, 2010, including the Interim Measures and the Building Ontario Businesses Initiative Act;
    • Applicable trade agreements, such as the Canadian-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) and the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA);
  • establish an accountability framework to effectively guide college staff and faculty with assignment of clear responsibilities throughout each stage of the procurement process;
  • ensure that all employees, including any external consultants or other service providers participating, involved in the purchase of Deliverables are aware of the applicable governing legislation, regulation and code of conduct(s) and adhere to the highest standards of professional ethics; and
  • ensure that publicly funded Deliverables are acquired through a process that is open, fair, and transparent.

Contact: Sherri Giles, Director, Procurement,sherri.giles [at] ( Email Sherri)

REVISED Change of Employee Name Policy

This policy has been updated to align, where possible, with the Change of Student Name Policy, and, to clarify where a Preferred or Lived name can/cannot be used, and, to update the procedure for changing an employee name.

This policy outlines the process for employees to change their name in their employee records and to ensure processes are in place to maintain the integrity of employee records. 

Contact: Rebecca Sprague, Director, HR Services, rebecca.sprague [at] (Email Rebecca)

REVISED Fire Alarm Procedures

This policy has been updated to align with current practice and terminology.

The purpose of this procedure is to ensure an effective response upon the activation of fire alarm systems of the protection of the Mohawk College community and building occupants.

Contact: Cathy O'Donnell, Director, Security Services, catherine.odonnell [at] (Email Cathy)

REVISED Active Threat Procedures

This policy has been updated to align with current practice and terminology.

As part of the Emergency Response Policy Framework, the following procedures are developed to provide general direction to the Mohawk College Community on how to respond during an active threat or imminent threat incident.  These procedures are formed in order to prevent injury, loss of life and to mitigate damage.  There are two distinct procedures within the Active Threat Procedure:  Lockdown, and Hold and Secure.  These procedures are specific to type of incident reported or known.

Contact: Cathy O'Donnell, Director, Security Services, catherine.odonnell [at] (Email Cathy)

REVISED Emergency Response Policy

This policy has been updated to align to changes made in the Emergency Response Plan based on feedback and review of pandemic response, and, changes made by the Emergency Management Ontario structure. 

The purpose of this policy is to establish response procedures to ensure the College is prepared to respond to a wide range of emergencies, critical incidents or business disruptions in a coordinated, timely and effective manner.

Contact: Cathy O'Donnell, Director, Security Services, catherine.odonnell [at] (Email Cathy)

REVISED Credit Transfer, Educational Pathways and Articulation Agreements Policy

This policy has been revised to provide clarity on processes governing credit transfer through course exemptions in a student's current program of study, and, processes that support education transfer, articulation agreements and student mobility. A new appendix  regarding the development of articulation agreements has also been added. 

This Policy is intended to enable and enhance student academic mobility by defining and operationalizing the conditions for recognition of formal learning through credit transfer at Mohawk College. 

Further the Policy, and supporting processes, solidify a commitment to enable student educational pathways through the development and use of articulation agreements both internal and external to the College that recognize and give credit for prior learning thereby reducing barriers in the attainment of future educational credentials.

Contact: Janet Shuh, Dean, CE, Acad Quality & CTL, janet.shuh [at] (Email Janet)

REVISED Program Advisory Committees Policy

This policy has been revised without any changes. 

This policy outlines the College position on Program Advisory Committees and describes procedures for their effective operation.

Contact: Janet Shuh, Dean, CE, Acad Quality & CTL, janet.shuh [at] (Email Janet)

REVISED Employee Learning and Development Policy (Formerly Professional Development Policy)

This policy has been extensively revised to include both professional and personal development and individual procedures for specific forms of learning and development.

The purpose of college wide training, learning and development, is to continually improve employees’ awareness, understanding, competencies, knowledge, and performance. This contributes toward building strong foundations, improved employee engagement, job satisfaction, career progression, aspirations, and employee contributions. Learning and development programs also help leaders to improve their ability to train and mentor employees to reach their greater potential and empower employees to foster a workplace where everyone thrives.

The act of engaging in employee learning and development encompasses one’s commitment to social responsibility and moral imperatives. These objectives are aligned with the College’s strategic direction and people plan.

This policy provides a framework for eligible employees that guides decisions, funding and procedures regarding employee learning and development programs and benefits.

The policy will:

  • Ensure learning and development (L&D) programs identified within this policy are reviewed and updated in alignment with the College’s strategic, academic and people plans
  • Ensure funding availability from either within the College or as part of the Ministry of Colleges and Universities.
  • Ensure procedures are outlined and exist for all programs governed by this policy
  • Ensure budgets and or funding are appropriately allocated to support applicable programs in a fiscally responsible way with consideration to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) guidelines where applicable.
  • Ensure program procedures include;
    • Eligibility criteria,
    • Operating decisions,
    • Supporting documentation, applications and related policies where applicable, 
    • Definitions specific to the respective program, 
    • Identified owners, roles and responsibilities, 
    • Funding source and or budget ownership and,

These Learning and Development programs include but are not limited to:

  • Educational Assistance-Tuition Reimbursement Benefit & Tuition Loan -Appendix A
  • Ministry Approved and Funded Discounted Courses  -Tuition Fee Reduction -
  • Professional Development Leave 
  • Departmental Budget - Professional Development Requests

Contact, Gina Miraglia, Director People & Organizational Development, gina.miraglia [at] (Email Gina)

REVISED Breadth (Degrees) Policy

This policy has been updated to identify upper breadth and lower breadth, add reference to collaborative degree programs, updating of principles and to reflect PEQAB requirements.

This policy outlines a framework to ensure that College degree programs delivered by Mohawk College comply with the breadth requirements as specified by the Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board (PEQAB: 2022, Manual for Ontario Colleges: Applying for Ministerial Consent under the Post-Secondary Education Choice and Excellence Act, pp.27-28).

Contact: Janet Shuh, Dean, CE, Acad Quality & CTL, janet.shuh [at] (Email Janet)

REVISED Animals on Campus Policy

This policy has been revised to align to the AODA and clarify differences between Support Animals and Service Animals.

The purpose of this policy and related procedures is to manage and identify circumstances where animals are permitted on campus.

Contact: Louisa Drost, Dean of Students, louisa.drost [at] (Email Louisa)

REVISED Respectful Workplace (Anti-Harassment & Anti-Discrimination) Policy

This policy has been revised to update procedure, consider cyber bullying and digital technologies and strengthening of language regarding bad faith complaints. 

The Respective Workplace (Anti-Harassment and Anti-Discrimination) Policy (the “Policy”) is consistent with the Human Rights Code and the OHSA and should be read in conjunction with the applicable collective agreement provisions.

The purpose of this policy is to:

  • Develop and maintain a work and learning culture that is grounded in equity and inclusion which does not tolerate any forms of discrimination and/or harassment;
  • Communicate employees’ rights, responsibilities and types of conduct that are covered by the Policy;
  • Provide supportive resources, including training and coaching, to foster a respectful work and learning environment;
  • Outline the procedures for responding to allegations of discrimination and harassment. The procedures aim to provide people with multiple options for resolving harassment and discrimination concerns, including a complaint and investigation process and alternative resolution options.

Contact: Megan Mascarin, Chief Human Resources Officer, megan.mascarin [at] (Email Megan)

REVISED Health and Safety Policy

This policy has been reviewed without any changes.

Mohawk College values the health, safety and well-being of the College community and is committed to providing a safe working and learning environment through policies, programs, procedures and guidelines that meet or exceed the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA). Workers, visitors and contractors are responsible for working safely and in accordance with applicable legislation and Mohawk College requirements. To achieve a healthy and safe workplace, we must all work together to create a high level of health and safety awareness and respect health and safety policies, procedures and legislation.

Contact: Megan Mascarin, Chief Human Resources Officer, megan.mascarin [at] (subject: Health%20and%20Safety%20Policy) (Email Megan) or Vijay Patel, Director, Health Safety and Wellnessvijay.patel4 [at] (subject: Health%20and%20Safety%20Policy) ( Email Vijay)

REVISED Health Risk to College Community Procedure

This procedure has been updated to consider hybrid work environments and lessons learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic.

This procedure applies to reportable communicable diseases. In the event of a pandemic, the college would defer to the Pandemic Plan.  In consultation and partnership with Public Health, the following procedure applies to all Mohawk College campuses. 

Contact: Louisa Drost, Dean of Students, louisa.drost [at] (Email Louisa) 

REVISED Convocation Ceremony Policy

This policy has been updated to reflect current policy template, addition of language related to electronic credentials, and, ability for students to wear ceremonial dress.

The purpose of this policy is to outline the College’s approach to formally recognize the successful completion of programs of studies.

Contact: Krista Welsh, Registrar, krista.welsh [at] (subject: Change%20of%20Name%20for%20Students%20Policy) (Contact Krista)


Policies No Longer in Effect

The following policies have been removed from the Corporate Policies Webpage as they are no longer applicable to College operations.

  • CS-1316-2013 Short-Term Disability Supplement Policy (incorporated into Return to Work Policy)
  • CS-1300-2013 Records Retention - Human Resources Policy
  • Withdrawal and Redirection Procedure
  • SS-3206-2016 Student Success Policy Framework
  • SS-3205-2017 Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy Framework
  • CS-1301-2013 Contents of and Access to Personnel Files Policy
  • CS-1311-1984 Staff Working on Last Day Before the Holiday Break Policy
  • CS-1310-1985 Creation and/or Filling of Budgeted Positions Policy
  • CS-1205-3005 Leasing of Equipment Policy
  • CS-1501-2007 Electronic Communications Policy
  • SS-3203-2008 Academic Honesty Policy (Now Academic Integrity Policy)
  • RP802 Internal Crisis Communications Procedure
  • CS-1404-2008 Reporting and Responding to Violence Procedure
  • ERP812 Sudden Death on Campus Procedure
  • AS-2100-2013 Mohawk College Research Ethics Board Policy
  • CS-1700-1976 Commercial Activities on College Property Policy
  • CS-1502-2002 Information Technology - Use and Security Policy
  • CS-1313-2013 Academic Vacation Policy
  • ERP809 Emergency Lockdown Procedure
  • CS-1701-1972 Control of Rental Facilities
  • GC-4301-1982 Human Rights

Contact Us

Jessica Lapcevich
Manager, Risk, Legal and Governance Services
Phone: 905-575-1212 ext. 3895
jessica.lapcevich [at] (Email Jessica)