Placement/Internship Opportunities

Interested in a placement or internship opportunity through Campus Wellness at Mohawk College? Each year the Health and Wellness Centre at Mohawk College welcomes a variety of students for experiential learning opportunities. Below, you will find a list of opportunities. Placement and internship offerings vary  depending on the year/semester. Some opportunities are open to Mohawk College students while others are geared towards students from other institutions. 

Counselling Intern

Master’s Level Internship Opportunities in Counselling Services.

Thriving In Action/Peer Mentorship

Social Service Worker Placement Opportunity

Peer Health Promoter

The Peer Health Promoter is a student employment position that assists with the promotion of positive health behaviours, lifestyle choices, and wellness-related resources through evidence-based best practices to enhance the physical and mental well-being of the student-body. 

The Peer Health Promoter is a student employment opportunity for Mohawk College students offered through the Campus Student Employment Program (CSEP).

Health Promotion Student Placement

Health Promotion Student Placements are available to students enrolled in an undergraduate Health Promotion program with field placement or co-operative education requirements. Areas of placement emphasis include but are not limited to:

  • Health communication campaigns
  • Community health research
  • Program development