Explore Programs and Careers
Not sure which program or career is right for you? We can help you narrow the search in just a few easy steps.
It’s time to discover Mohawk
Do your research, explore our resources and tools, and see what Mohawk has to offer. Not sure where to start?
Outreach and Education Advisors
Join our Education Advisors virtually to learn
more about programs, how to apply, student
services and more.
Discovery Centre
Our Advisors are here to help! Deciding what program to take isn’t always easy. We’ll help you find programs that fit your interests and goals.
Create your Custom Viewbook
Answer these 5 simple questions to create a digital infopack tailored to your personal preferences and career interests.
Looking for help?
We're here to help you research various education pathways at Mohawk College. Contact us to take advantage of resources and one-on-one support.
Take a virtual campus tour!
Explore Mohawk from the comfort of home! Our new virtual campus tours provide a guided visit of our three campuses. Visit our buildings, labs, services, classrooms and athletic and recreation centre.
Why Mohawk?
Mohawk is a leader among Ontario's colleges. Deeply rooted in our community and the demand of the present, we have a global perspective that addresses the needs of the future.