Student Placement - Insurance FAQs

ACE-INA and WSIB coverage provided by the WSIB

Option #1 WSIB Coverage

  • MCU has set up a WSIB account on behalf of Mohawk College to which the MCU pays premiums for. The MCU does this for all approved Colleges and Universities.
  • When a student enters into a placement that has WSIB coverage, the host employer is not required to list the name of unpaid students on the placement employer's WSIB premium. Even if they did, it wouldn't adversely affect their premium rate. Lastly, the placement employer's experience rating would not be adversely affected by a WSIB claim. The incident is reported under the MCU's "Firm#" and is not tied back to the placement employer.
  • In the event an accident or illness occurs, a claim is made under the MCU/Mohawk WSIB and not the host employer’s. The employer would submit a claim to the MCU/Mohawk WSIB account using a form that is available online through Mohawk.
    • Claims are submitted on the WSIB’s “Form 7 - Employer’s Report of injury/Disease”. The Form 7s are not available on our website, but rather the WSIB’s. The Form 7s are actually submitted to the WSIB by Mohawk and not the placement employer. This has historically been done through Wellness4U and continues to be the current practice. Completion of the Form 7 is a bit of a collaborative effort involving the placement coordinator, the placement employer and Health Services (and sometimes Geoff White depending on the situation).

Option #2 ACE-INA Coverage

  • ACE-INA coverage is private insurance that is funded through the MCU. Such coverage is not as comprehensive as WSIB and depending on the nature of the placement, it is recommended that students obtain additional insurance.

  • ACE-INA applies where the employer is not covered under WSIB or where the placement is out of province. Would also apply for an (unlikely) out of country placement.
  • Any other insurance the unpaid Student Trainee may have (government, spouse, parent, etc.) first pays for all eligible expenses, and then ACE-INA Accident Insurance Plan will pay the excess eligible expenses.