First Generation Students

Are you a First Generation Student?

Being the first person in your family (besides a sibling) to attend college or university makes you a first generation student and that’s a BIG deal!

  • Many first generation students feel a lot of pressure to succeed but don’t know where to get support.
  • Some first generation students say they feel like they don’t belong - remember that you worked hard to get here and you DO belong!
  • First generation students sometimes feel like they can’t talk to family members about stress at school because they don’t think they’ll understand.
  • First generation students worry about paying for school – there are services on campus to help you find scholarships and bursaries specifically for first generation students.
  • Sometimes college can be really stressful or overwhelming but there are lots of faculty, staff and other students that want to help you figure it out.

Mohawk College is happy to have you as part of the student body and we want to help you be successful.