Why start college in the spring?

Spring flowers infront of the Mohawk College sign

by Jay Pauline Florida - Business - Marketing

What does warmer weather bring? Sunshine! It brightens our days, enlightens our mood, and gives us positive energy, leaving the winter blues away. The sunlight increases the brain’s release of serotonin which is the hormone that helps us in feeling calm and focused. As you feel more relaxed and motivated, this is also a great time to work towards your education goals.  

When considering starting college, the fall semester might be at the top of the mind. But did you know that a Spring semester can be very productive too?  

Here are some benefits of why you will love starting college in the spring:

Faster graduation

Who does not like early graduation? Spring courses can allow students to complete their program requirements more quickly because they can get started on their educational goals sooner. Summer is the time of the year when days are longer, and nights are shorter – before you know it, you are graduating already!  

"Flowers out the Fennell Campus"Getting a head start

You took the first step, and now, what? Starting college in the spring can allow students to get a head start on their education and start building momentum towards their goals. You can maximize the resources of the college as there will be fewer people. There will also be an opportunity for you to form a good relationship with the professors as you can get more attention because of the smaller class sizes 

Easing the transition

The start of college is exciting, but at the same time, some people can feel overwhelmed. The Spring semester can be less intimidating and less hectic, making it easier for students to adjust to the rigours of college life. Since there will be fewer people on campus, students enrolled in the Spring semester will have a more relaxed learning environment and more flexible schedules.  

As the Spring semester approaches, cling to your excitement and be open to the new opportunities you will face.  

Overall, starting college in the spring can provide students with a valuable opportunity to get a jump start on their education and make the most of their college experience.