Future Ready Blog

Clothes piled up in a factory

Consequences of Fast Fashion

Written by: Kimberly Yvonne Brought to you by Mohawk Sustainability Fashion is all around us, from media outlets to Instagram influencers - we see it everywhere, it’s fun! For some people, it’s a major part of their identity and a way to express themselves. Popular trends come in and out of style...
Earth between two hands image

Waste Reduction Week in Canada

This October marks the 20th anniversary of Waste Reduction Week in Canada! From October 18–24 , the campaign will highlight daily themes and resources throughout the week. Here we will briefly touch on each theme with information or a fact, some everyday solutions to reduce waste and a link to a...
Urban Homesteading

Urban Homesteading

Mohawk Sustainability recently hosted a webinar featuring the owners of Sentimental Farm. Rob and Chris are homesteaders who live a self-sufficient lifestyle on their farm by growing their own organic vegetables, raising chickens and collecting eggs, preserving the food they make and creating...
Continuing education image

Continuing to learn virtually

By Deborah Konig Throughout the spring and into our fall semester, many courses and programs that were customarily delivered in a classroom environment were effectively transitioned to remote learning. Traditionally a leader in online delivery, the necessity to offer even more remote learning was a...