Future Ready Blog

scrabble tiles spelling self care

Sustainable Self-Care

Why should we care about sustainable self-care anyway? #DidYouKnow According to Zero Waste Week , every year more than 120 billion units of packaging are produced globally by the cosmetics industry alone? This contributes to an annual loss of 18 million acres of forest! Many standard self-care...
woman speaking passionately as peers listen attentively

Creating Your Personal Brand

Have you ever thought of what words might come to mind when people reflect upon who you are as a person and what you represent as an individual? Elements such as your personality traits, likes, dislikes, habits, system of values and experiences are all important areas that may be considered by...
Group photo of the 1971 class

Class of 1971!

A few graduates of 1971 share their memories: “I have very fond memories of my time at Mohawk College, of the people I met and especially of all the extra curricular activities and events the college provided. My fondest memory however was meeting my wife while she was a student at Mohawk.” – John...
Biochemist Sarah Marttala and Valentina Vera in front of hospital

Putting COVID to the test

Two Biotechnology – Health graduates, Sarah Marttala ’18 and Valentina Vera ’18 put their skills to work in infectious disease research. By Meaghan Drury ‘12 For the entire world, it’s been quite a year. One for the history books you could say. For two graduates, it’s been a year of opportunity to...