What is Blended Learning?

Blended learning integrates both face-to-face learning and online learning in the delivery of a course. Most courses at Mohawk are blended.

A blended course is designed to integrate face-to-face and online activities so that they reinforce, elaborate on, and complement one another, instead of treating the online component as an add-on or duplicate of what is taught in the classroom.

What is included in face-to-face learning?

Classrooms, lecture hall, labs and other physical environments where you’re working directly with a teacher are considered face-to-face learning opportunities.

What is included in online learning?

Online learning is…you guessed it, online! That means that the content is available on the Internet for you to access at any time. A variety of tools and strategies might be used so that the online content is engaging and interactive. Teachers choose the online tools that are most appropriate for course material. Possibilities include:

  • Web-delivered activities to stimulate interest, deliver fundamental understanding of a topic, or ground the basic theory
  • Activities that offer feedback throughout a session
  • Video-captured talks and presentations by leading industry experts
  • Online quizzes
  • Opportunities to collaborate with your classmates
  • Practical/industry demonstrations
  • And dozens more

Can you give me an example of blended learning?

Typically, your Mohawk courses are 3 hours per week. With blended delivery, you may have 2 hours of face-to-face time and 1 hour of class activities to complete online. Here are two common scenarios:

  1. The online class hour is completed prior to the face-to-face class time. During the online hour, basic concepts are presented using multimedia (for example, a short video of your teacher demonstrating concepts), followed by simulations for practice, and then a quiz. If you need more time to understand and complete, you take it. You, your classmates, and the teacher can then optimize face-to-face time to dive deeper into the subject matter and actually apply what you have learned.
  2. The face-to-face class is completed before the online component. You, your classmates, and the teacher work through the basic concepts in your face-to-face time. Later, activities and interactions online guide you to integrating new knowledge and making new connections. Help from fellow students, the teacher, and additional resources are never more than a click away.

How do I benefit from blended learning?

  • Convenience: access course content in a variety of ways (mobile devices, tablets, laptops, PCs)
  • Quality: use tools and technologies that will help you meet your learning outcomes.
  • Flexibility: access online content when and where you wish, on your schedule.
  • Get an edge: become familiar with technology that’s being used in today’s workplace.

Will I still see my teachers?

Definitely. Your teacher will still be there to guide you, assess your progress and do all the things they usually do in courses you’ve taken in the past. You’ll still get to see your teachers in a physical classroom, but more than that, you’ll also get to interact with them online through discussions, online chats and/or virtual office hours.

Where will my online learning take place?

After you register for your courses, you will be provided with access to MyCanvas, the college’s Learning Management System (LMS), where you will find the online component of your classes. 

How will I know if my course is blended?

Most courses at Mohawk are blended, meaning that most courses include online learning hours as well as face-to-face learning hours. On the first day of class, your teacher will let you know if your course is blended and what to expect in terms of online and face-to-face hours in the course.

Does this mean less work for students?

Student learning hours in our blended learning courses are identical to the standards we set for traditional face-to-face courses – sorry, blended learning doesn’t result in less work for students!

Does my timetable indicate which courses include blended learning?

When you receive your timetable, you will notice that only your face-to-face learning hours are indicated. Online learning hours are not represented, because you will be completing these on your own each week, at a time and place that is convenient for you. For example, if you register for a course that has 3 hours/week, your timetable will show the 2 hours/week that take place in a classroom. Your third online learning hour will not appear on your timetable, although it is still part of your course.

What do I need to be successful in a blended learning environment?

To be successful in the blended learning environment, you will need:

  • Access to a computer (PC, Mac, laptop, tablet, etc.) and the Internet to access the online portion of your course(s) - If you don’t have a computer and wish to buy one, please check with your program area regarding specific computer requirements. Mohawk also has a limited number of computers for students to use at the libraries at each campus. If you are comfortable using a computer (using email, social media, web browsers, word processing software, etc.) you’re all set! On the other hand, if you are concerned about adopting new technology, there are several resources available to help.
  • Time to spend on course materials and activities both in the classroom and online - As with traditional face-to-face classes, blended courses require regular attendance and participation. You will need to complete your homework, prepare for tests and quizzes, submit assignments, and ask your teacher or classmates for help when you need it.
  • Time management skills to balance the course hours as well as homework - The online learning component of a blended course is a bit more independent, so time management skills will come in handy.

What resources and supports are available to help me with blended learning?

As a Mohawk student, you have access to both technical support (access to computers and printers, help using your computer, etc.) and study resources (study spaces, peer tutoring, etc.).

How do we know blended learning is effective for students?

You’ve probably noticed that it is hard to escape the online world these days. Virtually every industry and sector in the working world is heavily invested in online, cloud and network driven technologies. It only makes sense to ensure our graduates are well-prepared to participate.

We also have research that shows blended learning is a good thing for education. There are 20+ years of Canadian and International experience with blended learning; plus we have the insights provided by a thorough, Canadian post-secondary study by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada which showed that innovative blended learning, “resulted in improved teaching and learning, greater flexibility for learners, greater student satisfaction, improved student performance, a confluence of literacies for the knowledge economy, and optimization of resources.” (Canada's Collaboration for Online Higher Education and Research)