Future Ready Blog

A group of Mohawk College students smile and pose for a photo.

The Mohawk Experience

5 Supports and Services for Mohawk College Students Whether you’re picking up lunch, going for a workout or studying for a math test, Mohawk College is there for you as you go about your daily routine as a student. The college is home to supports and services for every part of your student...
An image of a woman sitting behind a widow with her desk beside her.  She looks pensive and unsure.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

By Jacqueline Riselay, CHRP - Future Ready Premium Program Career Coach with Student and Graduate Employment Have you ever found yourself questioning whether you belonged in a certain situation? Like everyone around you was smarter than you or knew more about the topic of discussion, and you thought...
A room with book shelves and a couch and a black woman sitting cross legged on the couch reading a book.

Self Care During a Job Search

Written by Cara-Lea Suttie - Student and Graduate Employment & Yoga Teacher Whether you are a student looking for a part time job to support you while you study, or you are a recent grad looking to start your career or you’re already into your career but looking to make a change – job searching is...
A group of Mohawk College students smile and pose for a photo.

Love your Learning

Years from now, when you look back on your college journey, the moments that stick out will be the moments of joy, of accomplishment, of growing to love your field and education. As Open House approaches and a new group of students look forward to forming new memories, Mohawk College students Blen...