Future Ready Blog

Flags of Asian Countries

May is Asian Hertiage Month

May marks Asian Heritage Month, a celebration that has been observed in communities across Canada since the 1990s and was made official in 2002, when the Government of Canada signed an official declaration to designate May as Asian Heritage Month. Immigration from Asian countries dates back to the...
Crossing Guard

School Crossing Guards

When I was in elementary school, I read many story books. I liked the books with the coloured pictures, especially the ones about schools, streets and gardens. The first time I saw a school crossing guard was in a story book. Since I came to Canada, I have been extremely curious to know more about...
People at work smiling

The Joy of Taxes

Canada, like many countries, has a taxation system which exists to collect money from individuals and institutions. The money gained will be transferred to services and I can say that this process is the main difference between Canada many of the countries newcomers come from. Since we were paying...