FAQ - CP-MSE Micro-Certification

1. What does remote, asynchronous learning mean?

Asynchronous learning means that the instructor and the students in the course all engage with the course content at different times (and from different locations). The instructor provides students with a sequence of units which the students move through independently. Each unit might make use of assigned readings or uploaded media, online quizzes, discussion boards, and more. The instructor guides the students, provides them with feedback, and assesses them as needed.

2. What is a micro-credential?

A micro-credential is a certification of assessed learning associated with a specific and relevant skill or competency. Micro-credentials are designed as rapid training programs offered by colleges, universities and Indigenous Institutes across the province that facilitate specialized skills and competency training to address employers’ needs.

3. How is the course completed?

This micro-certification is comprised of 2 individual micro-credential courses: HMNS 10163

(Theory) and HMNS 10164 (Experiential) which are delivered entirely online. The theory course is divided into eight modules that tie back to the established learning outcomes. Total time to complete the theory credential is estimated to be 40 hours. This course will be open to learners on a week-to-week basis and will be completed asynchronously aside from the 1-hour weekly synchronous seminar class. Successful completion of this course will result in a digital badge of completion.

The experiential course will commence halfway through the theory course. This course requires the learner to complete a case study within an MSE setting and submit a capstone project. Approximately 8 hours have been allotted to complete this course. Successful completion of this course will result in a digital badge of completion. There is no synchronous or in-person requirement to complete this course.

4. What are the time requirements for this program?

The theory micro-credential will be offered over 8 weeks for a total of 40 hours of course work, approximately 5 hours per week. The experiential course will consist of 8 hours and will open half way through the theory course. Learners will have until the end of semester to submit their experiential capstone project for assessment.

Below is a sample of the theory course learning plan:

Theory course learning plan
Week Learning Activity Details Learning Activity Type Required Readings & Resources for Class
1 History & Development of Snoezelen® Attend 1-hour seminar

Complete Multi-Sensory Lab Virtual Simulation 1- 360 Tour of Mohawk’s MSL [before seminar class] (pass/fail)

Complete Discussion Post 1 [after class]

Module 1 Learning Content

Course Text & Relevant Articles


Weekly video topics
2 Sensory Awareness & Models of Practice Attend 1-hour seminar

Complete Sensory Awareness Profile (SAP) & Reflection Assignment
[Submit to My Canvas dropbox by end of Module 2]

Complete Discussion Post 2 [after class]

Module 2 Learning Content

Course Text & Relevant Articles


Weekly video topics
3 Implications of Sensory Design & Use Attend 1-hour seminar

Design Your Ideal Personal MSE Room Assignment
[Submit to My Canvas dropbox by end of Module 3]

Complete Discussion Post 3 [after class]

Module 3 Learning Content

Course Text & Relevant Articles


Weekly video topics

5. What are the face-to-face requirements?

There is a 1-hour weekly synchronous seminar requirement for the theory course in this micro-credential. This seminar will take place online.

6. Is there a required textbook for this course?

There is a required textbook: Return to Gentleness: Journeying with Gentle Teaching by Anthony, M. McCrovitz. This can be purchased through Amazon.

7. What skills are required to complete this micro-credential?

Because the courses will be delivered in a remote, online learning environment, participants will be expected to use technology to find information, evaluate sources, create content, and communicate with others effectively. Being competent with and fluent in the digital sphere will help participants interact with the learning technology with maximum benefit and minimal frustration. The courses will be delivered via Mohawk College’s learning management system, MyCanvas.

8. What if I don’t have access to an MSE?

The experiential course requires learners to demonstrate an understanding of MSE facilitation by working with an individual within an MSE space. The learner will submit a video recording of their MSE session along with supporting documents to make up their capstone project. If a learner does not have access to an MSE space arrangements can be made to complete their MSE session live at Mohawk College’s on-site Multi-Sensory Environment Lab.

9. How will the course be evaluated?

How each type of assessment will be evaluated
Type of Assessment Total Percentage of Final Grade
Module Discussion Questions/Posts 10%
Weekly Seminar Attendance Required
Weekly Assignments 90%
2 Simulations Requirements Met (pass/fail)
Experiential Case Study

4 Separate Assignments (totaling 100%)

(must pass the session facilitation assignment to pass the course)

10. What happens after I complete the 2 courses?

Following completion of the theory curriculum and the experiential requirement, participants will receive a micro-certification in Certified Practitioner of Multi-Sensory Environments.