Future Ready Blog

Elizabeth Joy sitting in the DBARC

Beyond the books: How Elizabeth-Joy brings her passion for helping people into her role at the MSA

Elizabeth-Joy Phillips l oves working with people and doing everything she can to help them. Her passion has led her to the Social Service W orker program at M ohawk C ollege, and her unstoppable drive has helped to secure her current role as P resident of M ohawk S tudent A ssociation (MSA) . She...
Photo of the Waste Finder at Fennell campus

Bridging the Gap: Emilee’s Pitch for a Sustainable, Accessible, and Socially Inclusive Campus

Sustainability is everyone’s responsibility. Mohawk graduate, Emilee Schevers, agrees. During her final semester in the Early Childhood Education program, Emilee came across a social media post for the Sustainability Office’s Sustainability Initiatives Fund (SIF) Ideabank that calls on students to...
a group graduates making a fun pose on campus

You're graduating, now what?

Faster than a master's degree, more powerful than an internship, able to leap into work experience in a single bound . Look! Up past the Skyway bridge . It’s a graduate certificate! J oking aside , it's a super option for anyone looking to expand their career options without a huge time commitment...
Raphaël Tétreault, faculty of Game - Design

Redesigning an Industry

Raphaël Tétreault is one of the driving creative forces be hind Mohawk College’s new Game – Design program . The f irst faculty member to be brought on board for the program , Raphaël will be a professor in the program when it launches, and he is currently helping to create the program. Raphaël ’s...
Photo of two trades managers talking

Manage your Trade with the Bachelor of Business Administration (Trades Management) program

By Emmett Steele ‘22 Mohawk College is launching a new 4-year Bachelor of Business Administration (Trades Management) program. The program is designed to help people working in skilled trades industries gain the skills required to move into management positions, start and run their own businesses or...
Photo of Sandra Shlemoon

Sparking an Interest

By Emmett Steele ‘22 Sandra Shlemoon , a recent graduate from the Computer E ngineering T echnology p rogram , has always had a fascination for electronics , technology , and the way they come together. Her passion led her to pursue a career in computer engineering. “ S ince I was a child, I was so...