Learning Support Centre

The Learning Support Centre offers FREE tutoring.
Upper-year student leaders are eager to help you succeed.
Course Peer Tutoring
Tutoring for most first-year, program-specific courses.
- Content Review
- Clarification
- Practice Problems
- Test Prep
Visit the Peer Tutoring webpage
Book 3 hours per week
Book 24 hours in advance
Math Support
Drop-in and appointment-based math support and PASS sessions.
- Homework help
- Course specific help
- Build math skills
- PASS - Group Study Sessions
Visit the Math Support webpage
Writing & Communication
Tutoring for Writing & Communication courses.
- Writing Consultations
- Reading Skills
- Conversation Skills
- Workshops & ESL Support
Visit the Writing Tutoring webpage
Book 3 hours a week
Book up to 24 hours in advance
Study Skills Support
Do you want to develop better study skills?
Book an appointment with our study skills tutor or enroll in Study Smart on MyCanvas.
Visit the Study Skills webpage
Join group Peer Assisted Study Sessions for:
- MATH 10078
- MATH 10088
- MATH MA179
- COMP 10001
- COMP 10062
- GAME 10003
Want to be a Tutor or PASS Leader?
Do you have an 80% or higher GPA and want to help other students?
Apply to work as a peer tutor!
Contact Us
Email: lsc [at] mohawkcollege.ca (lsc[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
In-person: Room C122 Fennell Campus
Phone: 1-365-226-0700
Follow the LSC on Social Media to stay updated on services, events and contests!
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