Missed/Makeup Testing
The Mohawk Testing Centre provides testing services to students who are unable to write tests or exams during normally scheduled class times and have been referred by their professor or instructor. Professors/instructors may reach out to the Testing Centre if a student has missed a test or exam due to illness or another legitimate reason.
Contact Information
Testing Services are currently available in-person.
- Fennell Campus: Room A124
By appointment only (Monday to Thursday: 9:00am-3:00pm) - Stoney Creek Campus: Office C104 / Testing Room: C106
By appointment only - IAHS Campus: Office 135 / Testing Room: 139
By appointment only
Please email or call us for more information.
Fennell Campus: alternativetesting.fennell [at] mohawkcollege.ca (alternativetesting[dot]fennell[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) or 905-575-2209
Stoney Creek Campus: alternativetesting.stoneycreek [at] mohawkcollege.ca (alternativetesting[dot]stoneycreek[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) or 905-296-6551
IAHS (McMaster) Campus: alternativetesting.iahs [at] mohawkcollege.ca (alternativetesting[dot]iahs[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) or 905-296-6549
Instructions for Students (Fennell Campus)
Detailed Guide: RegisterBlast Student Guides.pdf
Please reach out to your instructor regarding a Missed or Makeup test/exam. Once a Missed and Makeup test request is submitted, students will receive an email with booking information. Students will be instructed to wait up to one business day to book a date and time with the Testing Centre after their instructor has submitted a Missed/Makeup test request.
How to Book
- Log into MyCanvas (MyCanvas)
- Select your Course
- Select ‘RegisterBlast’ in the left-hand menu
- If you are prompted with the RegisterBlast sign-in page please ensure third party cookies are on, or try a different browser or device. RegisterBlast uses third party cookies to automatically sign you in.
- Select the link for the exam
- Once you select the exam link, it will take you to the registration form
- Select the date and time you would like to book
- Acknowledge the Exam Guidelines
- Select 'Add to cart'
- Select 'Complete Registration'
For more information, please visit: RegisterBlast Student Guides.pdf
Important notes for students:
If you have an Accommodation Letter and registered through Accessible Learning Services, please book your test through Accommodate. This will ensure you complete your test with your approved testing accommodations.
For additional instructions please visit the following website: www.mohawkcollege.ca/student-testing
- After your instructor has submitted a Missed and Makeup Request for you to write with the Testing Centre, you will receive important information on how to book your appointment, to your Mohawk College email.
- Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment. Students who arrive late may not be able to write their test or exam.
- You will receive a reminder email 1 day prior to your appointment.
- A piece of photo ID will be required.
- You must bring your own testing resources. The Testing Centre does not lend out equipment or materials such as pens, pencils, calculators, etc.
- Personal electronic devices, including laptops, are not permitted unless specifically indicated by your faculty.
- The Testing Centre is unable to attempt to contact your faculty, for any test related questions or clarification. If you have a question when writing, we will ask you to make you best assumption and make notes on the test, if needed.
- To make any adjustments to your Missed/Makeup booking request please contact the Testing Centre at alternativetesting.fennell [at] mohawkcollege.ca (alternativetesting[dot]fennell[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca).
Instructions for Students (IAHS and Stoney Creek)
Please reach out to your instructor regarding a Missed or Makeup test/exam. If writing with the Testing Centre, they will inform you of the availability for testing.
Important notes for students:
- If you have an Accommodation Letter and registered through Accessible Learning Services, this service will not permit for you to use all your accommodations. In order for you to write with your approved testing accommodations, you must book through your Accommodate account at least 7 days in advance of the test date and time. For further instructions, please visit following website: Test Booking Instructions for Students - Accommodate
- A piece of photo ID will be required to test.
- You must bring your own testing resources. The Testing Centre does not lend out equipment or materials such as pens, pencils, calculators, etc.
- If you require access to a computer for testing, you will be provided a lab computer in the Testing Centre. Unless specifically indicated by your faculty, personal electronic devices, including laptops, are not permitted.
- It is your responsibility to confirm the availability of your test with your instructor.
- The Testing Centre is unable to attempt to contact your faculty, for any test related questions or clarification. If you have a question when writing, we will ask you to make you best assumption and make notes on the test, if needed.
Instructions for Faculty (Fennell Campus)
Detailed Guide: RegisterBlast Faculty Guide.pdf
Missed and Makeup tests requests are submitted through your course in MyCanvas, using RegisterBlast. Once a test request has been submitted, the student will be responsible for booking a date and time to write with the Testing Centre.
Please note, testing for students with accommodations cannot be submitted through this portal. The student must book their test through their Accommodate account at least 7 days in advance.
Instructions for Students with Accommodate linked below:
Process for faculty:
Before starting:
Please ensure RegisterBlast is added to your course navigation. If RegisterBlast is not added to your course navigation, RegisterBlast will not be accessible through MyCanvas. For a more detailed guide, please download the following PDF: RegisterBlast Faculty Guide.pdf
How to add RegisterBlast to your course navigation:
- Log into MyCanvas (MyCanvas)
- Select your course
- Select "Settings" in the bottom left
- Select "Navigation" at the top menu
- Scroll to the bottom of the page until you see "RegisterBlast"
- Select the 3 dots next to "RegisterBlast"
- Select "Enable"
- Select "Save"
How to submit a Missed/Makeup request:
- Log into MyCanvas (MyCanvas)
- Select the course you are submitting the Missed/Makeup test request for
- Select ‘RegisterBlast’ in the left-hand menu
- If you are prompted with the RegisterBlast sign-in page please ensure third party cookies are on, or try a different browser or device. RegisterBlast uses third party cookies to automatically sign you in.
- Select the ‘+’ on the top-right
- Fill out the form and hit submit
- Faculty will receive a Confirmation Email to confirm their submission was successful
Once the forms have been submitted, the Testing Centre will take one business day to review and approve the form. If there are any issues with the submission the Testing Centre will contact you before approving the submission.
For paper/hardcopy version of the test:
All hardcopy tests must be submitted to the Testing Centre, Fennell Campus - Room A124 at least 48 hours prior to the student’s scheduled appointment.
Inform students of the following:
- Students must book their Missed/Makeup test appointment through MyCanvas
- Student bookings become available one business day after faculty have submitted through RegisterBlast
- Testing location - Fennell Campus – A124
- Photo ID will be required to test.
- Resources permitted – they must bring their own. The Testing Centre does not lend out equipment or materials.
- Please ensure you are asking your student to self-monitor their health daily and do not come to Testing Centre if they are feeling ill
Missed/Makeup Schedule:
Please note, Missed/Makeup testing will not be available during Final Exams and limited during Midterm weeks. Students latest start time is dependent on the duration of the exam.
i.e., If a student has a 2 hour Missed/Makeup exam at the Fennell Campus, the latest they can book their exam is 1pm.
Fennell Campus:
- By appointment only (Monday to Thursday: 9:00am-3:00pm)
Important notes for faculty:
- Missed or Makeup testing is not for students with Accommodation Letters and registered through Accessible Learning Services. In order for students to write with their accommodations, students must book their tests through Accommodate.
- Submissions must be submitted 120 hours (5 days) in advanced for the earliest available date and requires a 7-day date range for the student to book the Missed/Makeup appointment
- This service is for students who missed tests in class due to a valid reason (e.g. illness, religious holiday, college-sanctioned activities, etc.) This service is not for challenge tests or rewrites or an alternate writing opportunity for the class. These must be arranged through the academic area.
- The Testing Centre will not contact the faculty for student questions or discrepancies. Please ensure the accuracy of all the information submitted – including resources permitted.
- Missed or Makeup testing will be unavailable during Final Exam week and limited during Midterm weeks as students with Accommodation Letters must be prioritized.
e.g. If a submission is started on June 1st, the earliest date range that can be booked is June 7th to June 13th
Students will be referred back to the faculty if:
- If a test has not been provided, unavailable, closed/incorrect password or has surpassed the test deadline
- There are any discrepancies between the student’s understanding and what is submitted on the test request below (e.g. open notes, calculator permitted)
If you have more than 5 students requiring testing at one time, please email alternativetesting.fennell [at] mohawkcollege.ca (alternativetesting[dot]fennell[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca). The number of accepted tests per week is based on Testing Centre capacity.
If you have any questions, please contact the Testing Centre at your campus:
Fennell Campus: alternativetesting.fennell [at] mohawkcollege.ca (alternativetesting[dot]fennell[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) or 905-575-2209
Stoney Creek Campus: alternativetesting.stoneycreek [at] mohawkcollege.ca (alternativetesting[dot]stoneycreek[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) or 905-296-6551
IAHS (McMaster) Campus: alternativetesting.iahs [at] mohawkcollege.ca (alternativetesting[dot]iahs[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) or 905-296-6549
Detailed Guide: RegisterBlast Faculty Guide.pdf
Instructions for Faculty (IAHS and Stoney Creek Campus)
This process is NOT for students with testing accommodations – Accommodation Letters. If your student has an Accommodation Letter, they are required to book through Accommodate.
Process for faculty:
1. Visit the Missed and Makeup Testing Request form and select the campus to view available missed/makeup schedule. Please complete a separate form for each student testing (do not enter one form for multiple students). Please note, this form is to be completed by faculty only.
- Submissions will be accepted on this webform:
- If the test is online (e.g. MyCanvas)
- Faculty are able to provide an electronic version of the test
- Please complete a separate form for each student testing (do not enter one form for multiple students)
2. Provide your student with the test details and deadlines submitted as well as testing hours.
Inform students of the following:
- Scheduled date (IAHS/SC) or week, testing hours and location. IAHS – 139, Stoney Creek – C106
- Photo ID will be required to test.
- Resources permitted – they must bring their own. The Testing Centre does not lend out equipment or materials.
- Please ensure you are asking your student to self-monitor their health daily and do not come to Testing Centre if they are feeling ill
3. Once submitted, confirm you have received an email confirmation to the email address provided on this form. If you do not receive an email confirmation, your request did not go through. This would mean the Testing Centre would not have received your request either. Please resubmit the form.
Important notes for faculty:
- Accommodation Letters (AL): Missed or Makeup testing is not for students with Accommodation Letters and registered through Accessible Learning Services. In order for students to write with their accommodations, students must book their tests through Accommodate.
- This service is for students who missed tests in class due to a valid reason (e.g. illness, religious holiday, college-sanctioned activities, etc.) This service is not for challenge tests or rewrites or an alternate writing opportunity for the class. These must be arranged through the academic area.
- The Testing Centre will not contact the faculty for student questions or discrepancies. Please ensure the accuracy of all the information submitted – including resources permitted.
- The number of accepted tests per week is based on Testing Centre capacity.
- Missed or Makeup testing will be unavailable during Final Exam week and limited during Midterm weeks as students with Accommodation Letters must be prioritized.
Students will be referred back to the faculty if:
- If a test has not been provided, unavailable, closed/incorrect password or has surpassed the test deadline
- There are any discrepancies between the student’s understanding and what is submitted on the test request below (e.g. open notes, calculator permitted)
We ask faculty to confirm whether a student is able to write prior to submitting a test and to limit the number of tests submitted per week to 5 tests per week. If you have more than 5 students requiring testing at one time, please contact the Testing Centre. The number of accepted tests per week is based on Testing Centre capacity.
If you have any questions, please contact the Testing Centre at your campus:
Stoney Creek Campus: alternativetesting.stoneycreek [at] mohawkcollege.ca (alternativetesting[dot]stoneycreek[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) or 905-296-6551
IAHS (McMaster) Campus: alternativetesting.iahs [at] mohawkcollege.ca (alternativetesting[dot]iahs[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) or 905-296-6549