Survivor Support Space

NEW! Survivor Support Space
The Student Rights and Responsibilities Office, in partnership with SACHA, Hamilton’s Sexual Assault Centre, will be hosting a weekly drop in space for people of any gender who have experienced sexual violence at any point in their lifetime. In these sessions, survivors can connect with sexual violence professionals and their peers, who are also survivors, in a safer space to talk, vent, and learn about sexual violence, and explore ideas for coping support.

Each week will have a theme that will be announced on Social Inc’s social media (@socialincmohawk) and SACHA’s social media (@SACHAhamont) in advance of the session.

You are able to attend as many or few sessions as you’d like. Snacks and any supplies needed for activities and crafts will be provided.

Location Information: F116D (Board Room). You can access the board room through F114 Social Inc. or privately by door F116.

The sessions will run once per week, alternating between Mondays and Wednesdays.

Dates and Times:

  • Wednesday, February 14, 5 - 7 pm
  • Break for Reading Week
  • Monday, February 26, 2 - 4 pm
  • Wednesday, March 6, 5 - 7 pm
  • Monday, March 11, 2 -4 pm
  • Wednesday, March 20, 5 - 7 pm
  • Monday, March 25, 2 -4 pm
  • Wednesday, April 3, 5 -7 pm
  • Monday, April 8, 2 -4 pm

About SACHA:

You are not alone. SACHA has been working in Hamilton since 1975 to sup­port sur­vivors of sex­u­al violence and fight to end vio­lence and oppression. We is an intersectional fem­i­nist, anti-racist, anti-oppressive, non-prof­it, commu­ni­ty-based orga­ni­za­tion using edu­ca­tion, advo­ca­cy, out­reach, coali­tion build­ing, com­mu­ni­ty part­ner­ships, and activism to build a world free of violence. All our services and supports are survivor-centered and adaptable to the individual(s) seeking support.

You can learn more at

About the SRRO:

The Student Rights and Responsibilities Office works to foster a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment that maximizes opportunities for student success and upholds the rights and responsibilities of the Mohawk College community.

We offer support to Survivors of gender-based and sexualized violence by assisting them in understanding and navigating reporting options under the college policy. We also provide survivors with access to support, accommodations, referrals, and resources.

You can learn more at:

Confidentiality statement:

In an effort to make this a safer space for survivors that encourages dialogue and connection, we request that all participants respect the privacy of other attendees. Participants may share personal experiences of a sensitive nature and it is important to respect confidentiality and not share information about others’ experiences outside of this space.