
Fennell Campus

Resources For Faculty and Staff 

The Student Rights and Responsibilities Office has developed the following resources to help support Faculty and Staff in addressing issues inside and outside the classroom:

Employee Tips for Issues with Public Health Compliance

Setting the Stage

  1. You can choose to reinforce the message by reviewing the values of the Be More campaign with your students in class.  
  2. Review the Your COVID-19 Rights and Responsibilities with students. Give them an opportunity to share their input.
  3. Model the way. As the leader in the learning environment, it’s essential for you to model the way for our students.
  4. Hosting a student leader training session or workshop; consider guiding students through the Pledge portion of the campaign. Here students can choose one of the values and tell us how they might demonstrate it in your class and while completing their studies. Take it one step further and ask them to list a value that is not present, but that they believe in modeling.

In Class and Labs

  1. Minor and/or accidental breaches of our community standards are to be expected. We are all still getting use to our new societal expectations. Reminders and education are a great way to engage with students. Consider making regular class announcements reminding students to have their PPE on, their masks up, cough and sneeze etiquette and to keep their distance.
  2. To address the behaviour; 
    1. Clarify: Do you have the information you need? Fact Find. Listen for the root cause of the behaviour.
    2. Be: kind, clear and direct. Name the behaviour you need to see modified, using a non-blameful approach.
    3. Share: the impact the behaviour is having on you.
    4. Use: an action statement of what you need to happen.
    5. Take: a break to allow both parties to pause and reflect. Re-assess.
    • Remember, you can ask a student to leave your classroom or lab. If you have tried to correct the behaviour, perhaps even tried twice, and the behaviour does not change, you can ask the student to leave class and not return until the next day. Follow up is an important next step. Send an email to the student following class reiterating expectations and welcoming them to the following class to demonstrate to you that they can indeed meet the expectations. Ask them to meet you after class or before the next one to chat.

It’s important to find your style and comfort level. Of note, be mindful of using humour. Humour can be received in different ways and when it comes to compliance with public health regulations, some will not see it as fitting.

Consider these approaches:

  • “Siri I see you aren’t wearing your mask. For my safety, I need you to put your mask on. I can help you get one, if you don’t have one”.
  • “Hey Google, can we chat after class for a quick moment”. ---- [1-1 privately after class] – “I’ve noticed on several occasions in class today that you were not following the [mask/physical distancing/hand hygiene] expectations. For everyone’s safety, I need you to be more mindful of meeting these expectations. We are in this together. What can I do to help? Do you find the reminders in class helpful?”
  • “Alexa, I see that your mask isn’t covering your nose. For my safety, I need you to pull your mask over your nose. Thanks.”
    • Alexa responds by pulling their mask down, steps closer to you, and begins shouting that they ‘hate wearing the mask’, they ‘can’t hear their peers talking’, and throws their book bag at the classroom door.
    • “Alexa, I appreciate that you are frustrated by wearing a mask. It is hard. It’s also really important. Did you want to take a minute and excuse yourself from class? Maybe go for a walk.”
      • If Alexa agrees to excuse themselves; check in on them after class and reiterate expectations. Ask for compliance. Review expectations. Provide a verbal caution regarding behaviours. Offer supports. Send an email to the SRRO to report the incident.
      • If Alexa does not agree, and the disruption continues, use a consequence statement.
    • “Alexa, I need you to wear your mask over your nose and chin for everyone’s safety. If you are not able to do that you have two options, you may excuse yourself from class right now or Security will be called to address your behaviour.”
      • Security will make note of the incident and inform the SRRO who can become involved in supporting both you and Alexa in addressing the behaviour.
  1. Remember, the SRRO is here to support you. We will continue to offer consultations. Connect with us to talk about an idea or approach to resolving a conflict or to have an incident addressed. We are also here to help you navigate a situation when a secondary concern or behaviour is present (i.e. a student is disruptive when asked to put on a mask or does not have access to a proper mask).


  1. Don’t forget – recognize good behaviour and praise students who are meeting expectations. Consider ending your class with gratitude for meeting expectations.

Important Considerations

  • Students who are unable to attend classes due to health concerns or who have not been approved to be on campus via the Mohawk Safety App, should contact their faculty member directly to plan out their academic program and determine what accommodations can be made.
  • Accommodation will be provided to people who cannot wear a mask or face covering for medical reasons, and those who require accommodations in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code. If a student requires an accommodation exemption with respect to wearing a mask, they should contact equityandinclusion [at] (equityandinclusion[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca).


Netiquette - Helping Students in a Virtual Learning Environment 

‘Online Etiquette’ at Mohawk - Only say or do online what you would say or do offline.

Everyone has the right to enjoy a positive and respectful learning environment -- online or offline. Take a moment to learn or remind yourself of what appropriate behaviour for interacting with others online looks like:

  1. Integrity – You must represent yourself honestly in all communications, assignments, tests, and examinations. You may not use another student’s account or allow anyone else to access your account. Read the academic honesty policy to learn more.
  2. Responsibility - You are responsible for your actions and how they impact others. It’s important that before you act or say something, consider how others might interpret your words or actions. Any inappropriate behaviours or messages to students, faculty, or staff via online chat, email or in virtual classrooms will not be tolerated. Be kind.
  3. Understanding – It’s important to be understanding of others’ feelings, experiences, intentions, and think about things from another point of view. It’s not always easy to convey meaning through email or online chat environments, and sometimes this can be frustrating. If you are confused or unclear about something, ask for clarification before getting upset.
  4. Respect - We expect all interactions to be respectful. Mohawk will not tolerate any behaviours or messages that are offensive, abusive, derogatory, discriminating, bullying, harassing or threatening. If you can’t be respectful, don’t say anything. Alternatively, you can always take a moment to reassess how to respond to the situation.
  5. Patience - We all have different ways of learning. Every student will approach online learning differently, so be patient with others and help them feel included by offering support if you can.

The Student Rights and Responsibilities Office is a resource to support anyone who is impacted or disrupted by inappropriate behaviour -- online or offline. If you are looking for support you can reach out to SRRO [at] (SRRO[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) for supportive resources, consultation and reporting options.