Strengthen Inclusive Competencies

We will provide professional development opportunities for employees to build their equity, inclusion and intercultural competencies that will advance individual and collective growth in cultural fluency.

Goal Tactic Metrics Timeline
Require all employees involved in the hiring process to take bias-free hiring and decision-making training
  • Develop and implement bias-free hiring and decision- making training courses, tools and resources
  • Develop and implement a series of equity and inclusion courses from basic to advanced EDI
  • Number of sessions delivered
  • Number of employees who have participated in EDI training/courses and professional development
  • Change in perspective as assessed by pre- and post training assessments
Beginning Summer / Fall 2021
Increase the number of staff who participate in intercultural competency training
  • Create opportunities for employees to increase awareness and understanding of Indigenous histories and realities at the college and the challenges faced by Indigenous learners, employees, vendors and community members when engaging with the college
  • Number of sessions delivered
  • Number of employees who have participated in these sessions
Fall 2021