New Academic Plan Development

Mohawk College is developing the next Academic Plan.

Dear Colleagues,

It has been 10 years since Mohawk College introduced its current Academic Plan. We have made some adjustments along the way and the plan achieved what it set out to do and has been the foundation for many successful initiatives and collaborations.

This year, we begin the process of developing our next Academic Plan. Our new Academic Plan will build on the successes of the past decade and take into consideration many significant advances at Mohawk College.

We will develop our new plan with input from faculty and staff, students, employers, and community partners. Consultations will begin this spring and continue through the summer and early fall, with the new plan ready by May 2024.

There will be many opportunities to provide input, and I encourage you participate.

Dr Cebert Adamson
Vice President, Academic

NEW Complete the Academic Employee survey today. Survey will be open from September 27 - October 13, 2023.


May 2023Launch Development
April - September 2023Internal and External Consultations
October 2023 - November 2023Plan Develop
April - August 2024Approval and Release


Staff, faculty, students and community will have opportunities to be involved in the consultations.  Some will be structed sessions led by Deans and senior leaders, other opportunities will be open forums, surveys and group discussions. Complete the survey today. Survey will be open from September 27 - October 13, 2023.

Get Involved

We encourage you to get involved, participate in discussions. To join the conversation, click below to answer a few questions.

Join the conversation

Reading list:

To help you in your understanding of various factors that may shape the plan, we have identified a few key documents that may be helpful. Some are on the public site and a few are internal departmental documents. If you want to access any – please reach out to the Academic Plan team at AcademicPlan [at] (AcademicPlan[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)