Employee Learning and Development Policy

Policy number: CS-1312-2005
Policy title: Employee Learning and Development Policy
Policy owner: Chief Human Resources Officer
Effective date: June 13, 2005

Last Revised: February 29, 2024


On this page:

  1. Purpose
  2. Application and Scope
  3. Definitions
  4. Principles
  5. Accountability and Compliance
  6. Roles and Responsibilities
  7. Rules
  8. Policy Revision Date
  9. Attachments

10. Specific Links

1. Purpose

Mohawk College is committed to ensuring a respectful and informed work environment. As a college community, we endeavour to be fair and inclusive in all our interactions, practices and processes. The College focuses on creating an engaging work environment that fosters the growth, success and development of all employees and teams.

The purpose of college wide training, learning and development, is to continually improve employees’ awareness, understanding, competencies, knowledge, and performance. This contributes toward building strong foundations, improved employee engagement, job satisfaction, career progression, aspirations, and employee contributions. Learning and development programs also help leaders to improve their ability to train and mentor employees to reach their greater potential and empower employees to foster a workplace where everyone thrives.

The act of engaging in employee learning and development encompasses one’s commitment to social responsibility and moral imperatives. These objectives are aligned with the College’s strategic direction and people plan.

This policy provides a framework for eligible employees that guides decisions, funding and procedures regarding employee learning and development programs and benefits.

The policy will:

  • Ensure learning and development (L&D) programs identified within this policy are reviewed and updated in alignment with the College’s strategic, academic and people plans
  • Ensure funding availability from either within the College or as part of the Ministry of Colleges and Universities.
  • Ensure procedures are outlined and exist for all programs governed by this policy
  • Ensure budgets and or funding are appropriately allocated to support applicable programs in a fiscally responsible way with consideration to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) guidelines where applicable.
  • Ensure program procedures include;
    • Eligibility criteria,
    • Operating decisions,
    • Supporting documentation, applications and related policies where applicable, 
    • Definitions specific to the respective program, 
    • Identified owners, roles and responsibilities, 
    • Funding source and or budget ownership and,

These Learning and Development programs include but are not limited to:

  • Educational Assistance-Tuition Reimbursement and Loan Program -Appendix A
  • Ministry Approved and Funded Discounted Courses  -Tuition Fee Reduction -
  • Professional Development Leave 
  • Departmental Budget - Professional Development Requests


2. Application and Scope

This policy provides eligible employees, as outlined in the program procedures, with access to various college funded L&D programs and benefits. Bargaining unit employees should also review their respective collective agreements for further information. Administrative staff should consult the Terms and Conditions for Administrative Staff.

Where applicable, eligible employees of Mohawk Student Association (MSA), Mohawk College Enterprise (MCE), Mohawk College Foundation (MCF) will be outlined as part of the eligibility section within each program’s procedures.


3. Definitions

Within each program procedure, relevant definitions as it relates to that respective program will be provided.  

“Accredited education intuition” An educational institution recognized from an accrediting agency that an institution maintains a certain level of educational standards

“Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)” Administering tax laws and related programs for the Government of Canada and for most provinces and territories

“Collective Agreements” Academic and Support Staff provisions of agreements between an employer and the union

“College Funded” These programs are offered through Mohawk College and are designed to provide critical career development training.

“Departmental Budget” Department-level financial plan or allocated funds that identifies spending for the year. Funding determined by the department lead drawn either from their discretionary/allowable spend or base budget to facilitate the growth and improvement of employees' skills and expertise, in accordance with the specific objectives established by the department.

“Educational Assistance” Any financial amount to assist an individual in furthering their education at a post-secondary or professional level. Certain requirements must be met to qualify for assistance.

“Employee” A person actively employed and under the employ of Mohawk College either:

  • On a full-time, ongoing basis ether under the terms of the Academic Employees Collective Agreement, the Support Staff Collective Agreement, Part-Time Support Staff Collective Agreement or the Terms and Conditions for Administrative Staff; and/or
  • On a less than full-time and/or temporary basis under an employment agreement. This does not include fee for service contractual arrangements or independent contractors.

“Full-Time Permanent College Employee” is:

  • A full-time permanent member of the College working in administration under the Terms and Conditions of Employment for Administrative Staff;
  • A full-time permanent support staff member under the Support Staff Collective Agreement (OPSEU Local 241); and
  • A full-time permanent academic staff member under the Academic Employees’ Collective Agreement (OPSEU Local 240).

Indigenous Learning and development” Opportunities for Indigenous employees to access learning and development opportunities to promote cultural knowledge, identity development and knowledge sharing. These opportunities are provided to all Indigenous Employees regardless of whether they are required to bring their Indigenous identities, heritage, teachings to their roles within the college.

“Individual Development Plan (IDP)” A plan developed by employees in partnership with their managers to assist in outlining a development plan with goals, both short term and long term for personal or professional growth. This can include training, skill development, job shadowing or learning as part of career growth/aspirations, job performance or competency development, where appropriate. Can be included as part of the performance management process.

“Internal Secondment” A temporary assignment that allows an employee to work for another department or position within the college.

“Job Shadowing” This is a type of on-the-job training that enables an interested employee to closely observe another employee in the course of their duties. Job shadowing is typically used to onboard new employees to the organization or a new position, or as part of a career plan

“Learning and Development Program (LDP)” a program which is either centralized, under Human Resources, or decentralized, sitting independently under different departments, which provides the framework or a structured plan for all employees as it relates to their training, learning and personal and professional development. These programs encourage employees to empower themselves to grow and develop and improve or reinforce their knowledge, skills and capabilities. These programs can fall under professional or personal development or both, with the understanding that we bring our whole self into a workplace. Participation in LDP is reflected within the Performance Management Process.

“Open Enrollment Learning and Development Programs” LDP’s that are open to all employees who have access to the Working at Mohawk system which does not have restrictions related to an application, nomination or other formal selection process. 

“Personal Development” Strives to improve or build on one’s emotional, mental, spiritual, physical or social well-being.

“Performance Management Process (PMP)” Is a formal process where managers and employees work together to plan initial goals aligned to strategies or priorities, monitor and review work objectives, job expectations and overall contributions. It is an opportunity to plan for career growth, and ongoing development. 

Professional Development” Refers to ongoing education and skills training both internal and external to the college. This development helps employees learn new skills, improve or build on one’s performance within a specific role or discipline, or as part of a known desired career path or aspiration. The act of engaging in professional development encompasses one’s commitment to social responsibility and moral imperative. Examples include but are not limited to

  • In-person and online conferences, workshops, seminars and courses,
  • Credentials such as diploma, designation or degree completion
  • Coaching and mentoring,
  • Field trips (i.e., familiarize employees with campus operations),
  • Work experience (i.e.: to provide opportunities for employees to observe and experience other roles that are relevant to their college employment responsibilities. Two examples are through job shadowing or cross training)
  • Participation in professional organizations and meetings,
  • Developmental leaves,
  • Intra-college professional development activities, and
  • Research projects.

 “Professional Development Leave” Is a paid professional development opportunity for eligible employees to pursue professional development activities to further academic or technical studies, applied research, or industry experience. The leave activities will enhance the employees’ ability to fulfill their professional responsibilities for the current or future needs of the College. Refer to the related SOP for eligibility and procedures. 

“Program Procedures” A procedure specific to our organization that describes criteria, eligibility, conditions and responsibilities and any related activities necessary to be compliant or have access to the related program. 

“Review Committee” A diverse group of individuals who come together as a committee to review applications, nominations or referrals for compliance, priorities and decision making as it relates to some or all of the LDP's identified within this Policy. 


4. Principles

This policy is based on the need to maintain a consistent and transparent process for employee learning and development programs where employees are valued and encouraged to achieve their full potential. It supports the direction of the College strategic people and academic plan, equity diversity and inclusion strategic plan, and builds on aspirations, our values and drives and fuels strong foundations.

Mohawk College recognizes the needs and desires of employees to strive for excellence through comprehensive and differentiated learning and development. The College will offer flexible learning and development opportunities to support the college’s changing needs, individual development plans (IDP), team growth and college wide competencies. Learning and Development programs are designed to promote personal, professional, leadership and team development, with possibility for career development within the workplace.

The overall guiding principles for all learning and development programs are:

  1. Eligible employees have the right to receive and participate in learning and development programs.
  2. Acknowledge that employees have specific and unique needs in the work environment and may require individualized approaches to their learning and development goals.
  3. Promote programs that support departmental objectives, college strategic priorities and plans, and enhance the College’s leadership capacity.
  4. Promote inclusiveness and accessibility by changing procedures, activities, and physical environments to meet the learners needs
  5. Ensure that all employees are educated in reconciliation, decolonization, and their personal responsibilities to treaties and relationships with the land and Indigenous communities.
  6. Value and foster practices that allow for diverse shared experiences, knowledge and abilities of a diverse culture and community.
  7. Educate all employees with empathy, respect and equity.
  8. Align employee skills with the needs and challenges of the ever-changing society and diverse student population.
  9. Design active learning options to support a range of growth opportunities for all employees.
  10. Support exploration, research, creation, technology and application of new knowledge and skills relevant to employees’ roles, career plans and future safeguarding skills required for the success of the College.
  11. Ensure all our communications and processes are accessible and inclusive. If you require this material in an alternate format or with communication support, please contact Human Resources at askHR [at] mohawkcollege.ca (askHR[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) or call 905-575-2047.
  12. When developing or creating learning and development programs or courses that will include or may include anything pertaining to Indigenous peoples, communities or cultures, engagement or consultation should include the Centre for Indigenous Relations, Knowledge and Learning.


5. Accountability and Compliance

5.1 Accountability Framework

This policy has been approved by the Senior Leadership Team.

5.2 Compliance

The Chief Human Resources Officer is responsible for ensuring that the information within this policy and its related procedures is applied and that all actions comply with relevant legislation, policies, collective agreements and terms and conditions of employment.

The Chief Human Resources Officer will ensure that employees are provided with appropriate information and instruction on the content of this Policy and associated procedures.

6. Roles and Responsibilities

To ensure adherence to this policy and create a learning and development environment that encourages personal and professional development for all employees, the following responsibilities have been assigned. Additional responsibilities related to L&D programs will be identified as part of the program procedures found in the program appendix.

6.1 Management Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of managers to: 

  1. Review and know the college strategic and people plans and priorities as part of the planning and budgeting process which will assist in informing learning and development plans for employees. 
  2. Allow necessary time and provide needed resources to assist employees in attending approved learning and development opportunities.
  3. Remove barriers to assist employees in attending approved learning and development opportunities or assigned training.  Respect and adhere to any accommodation required to ensure all employees can participate in learning and development programs.  
  4. Identify and assign learning and development opportunities for employees, in a fair and equitable way that is inclusive and respectful of learning needs and styles.
  5. Consult with and coach employees with respect to the available opportunities for employee development and their specific developmental needs.
  6. Prioritize learning and development activities, combining individual needs with other college, divisional or department professional development needs.
  7. Ensure transparency regarding desired outcomes within a learning plan to build competencies required to perform the employee’s current job or identified skill gaps.   
  8. Ensure all new employees receive training that is position-specific and guide them through onboarding and orientation programs.
  9. Provide and track employees requests for paid professional development days in accordance with collective agreement provisions. 
  10. Be familiar with the policy and related procedures to ensure employee eligibility and other requirements related to the program procedures. 
  11. All managers and leaders will ensure ongoing access and support for Indigenous employees to engage in cultural, identity development and knowledge-sharing opportunities as professional development given that Indigenous employees are required to bring their identities, culture, heritage and teachings to their roles within the College whether it was a job requirement or not. 
  12. Discussion and review of learning and development opportunities or plans must take place between a manager and employee and outcomes reflected in the performance management process
  13. Arrangements and or agreements made for learning and development opportunities for employees shall not be unreasonably withheld.

6.2 Employee Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of the employee to:

  1. Take an active part in the process of planning their own personal and professional learning and development, creating individual goals for learning, upskilling and development, with the assistance of their manager.  
  2. Demonstrate ongoing commitment in their field through continuous improvement and development in their skills and knowledge.   
  3. Review all requirements and eligibility criteria for L&D programs as outlined in the program procedure document.
  4. Where an application requires approval and or has deadlines for submission, employees must adhere to procedures outline in the relevant program procedure document.
  5. Familiarize oneself with the policy and related procedures to ensure eligibility, and other requirements related to the program procedures.
  6. Participate in training and development activity deemed by the college as essential or mandatory.             
  7. Attend learning and development programs, session(s) or event(s) as committed to or enrolled 
  8. Discussion and review of learning and development opportunities or plans must take place between a manager and employee and outcomes reflected in the performance management process .

6.3 Human Resources Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of Human Resources to: 

  1. Advise and assist employees with their individual learning plans as requested.    
  2. Advise and assist managers upon request in creating learning and development plans for employees.
  3. Process and review applications and requests for learning and development programs in a timely manner
  4. Consult and collaborate with others both within or external to the college on L&D programs
  5. Identify College-wide, shared learning and development or professional development needs and develop strategies to meet them. 
  6. Administer or source out training programs in leadership and management principles for all levels of Management.
  7. Identify seminars, workshops, e-learning and other developmental activities that address the shared learning needs at little or no cost to schools and departments. 
  8. Administer a budget for HR sponsored learning and development programs and initiatives.   
  9. Partner with other areas of the College that provide training to help with design, development, delivery or promotion.   
  10. Provide a centralized source of information for employees about L&D programs available at the College 
  11. Maintain and update all forms, documents and communication related to L&D programs such that they are accessible and inclusive.
  12. Identify where a review committee is required to review applications, nominations or referrals for compliance, priorities and decision making as it relates to some or all of the L&D programs identified within this policy. 

6.4 Centre for Teaching & Learning Innovation (CTLI)

It is the responsibility of CTLI:

  1. To oversee and administer educator on-boarding programs for new full-time and part-time faculty. 
  2. To oversee and administer ongoing educator learning and development programs and support with respect to teaching excellence, academic technology tools, curriculum and program quality, and student success.       
  3. Offer programming that aligns with legislative academic quality standards and the College’s goals and aspirations. 
  4. In partnership with CTLI, Academic Schools are encouraged to develop customized, specific educator programming to foster their own disciplinary knowledge.   
  5. Administer guidance, support and training for faculty and staff in the pursuit of sustained teaching excellence and offer diverse pathways for professional growth.  

6.5 Employment Stability Committee

It is the responsibility of the Employment Stability Committee to: 

  1. be responsible for discussing and agreeing to training, upskilling and development strategies, and use of funds related to employment stability, including internal secondment opportunities. 

7. Rules

This policy oversees four learning and development programs, including:

  • Educational Assistance -Tuition Reimbursement Benefit & Tuition Loan (see Program A)
  • Ministry Approved and Funded Discounted Courses -Tuition Fee Reduction (see Program B)
  • Professional Development Leave (see Program C)
  • Departmental Budget - Professional Development Requests (see Program D)

The information included in the Policy apply to all learning and development programs. However, each learning and development program consists of unique criteria, including: 


  • Purpose
  • Eligibility
  • Conditions
  • Relevant Definitions
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Attachments
  • Additional information
  • Specific links


Please refer to the appropriate Program for specific learning and development programs.

7.1 Internal Secondment  

Full-time employees interested in an internal secondment opportunity should discuss their interest with their manager at the time of an annual performance review.  Where a vacancy is advertised internally for a specified period of time and an eligible employee is selected as a preferred applicant, the employee may be seconded from their current position for the duration of the vacancy.  Professional development internal secondments activities must align with the College’s strategic priorities, the goals within the Academic and People, plans and Student success. 


8. Policy Revision Date

8.1 Revision Date

February 2029

8.2 Responsibility

The Chief Human Resources Officer will review this policy every five years or earlier where required. Additionally, procedures will be reviewed and or revised on an as needed basis.

9. Attachments

10. Specific Links

Program A - Educational Assistance Program - Tuition Reimbursement and Loan


The Educational Assistance Program has been developed to foster a learning environment for eligible employees by providing financial assistance and or a loan to eligible active full-time employees who are pursuing a post-secondary College diploma, an undergraduate degree, a graduate degree (either Masters or Doctoral) and/or a skilled trade certificate, outside of Mohawk College, as part of their professional development. It has been developed to support a lifelong learning environment with the ultimate goal of contributing to student success.

Educational goals and outcomes related to educational assistance must align with the College’s strategic priorities, the academic and people plan, student success and the employee’s current role.

This operating procedure provides a transparent and consistent process with fair and equitable criteria in the operation and approval process. Outline edibility criteria, responsibilities, conditions and procedural standards related to the Employee Educational Assistance Program, as it relates to tuition reimbursement and tuition loan. This is a program within the Employee Learning and Development Policy (here after referred to as EL&D) policy.


The intent of this document is to provide consistency in the operation, processes responsibilities and procedural standards related to This is a college funded or supported program within the Employee Learning and Development Policy (here after referred to as EL&D) policy.

2. Eligibility


2.1 Employees

Employees must be active/permanent employees at the time of their application and reimbursement. This program is not available to those employees whose primary relationship with the college is that of a full-time student.


Eligible employees include:

  • full-time academic,
  • full time administrative employees,
  • full time support employees, as well as
  • regular part-time support employees
  • Employees on paid/statutory leave remain eligible for educational assistance

  and reimbursement


Funding for tuition assistance is not available to employees receiving a performance rating below “full performance” or considered an employee not in good standing as determined by their direct manager and performance review.


2.2 Eligible Programs 

Educational assistance and reimbursement are provided to eligible employees if they meet the above outlined eligibility criteria and conditions.


Reimbursement is provided for the following:

2.2.1 College Certificate or Diploma Courses (at institutes other than Mohawk College), includes College Certificate or Diploma Courses, Certificate Programs, Diploma Programs or Advanced Diploma Programs, Graduate Certificate Programs.
  • Mohawk College will reimburse 50 % of tuition for each course successfully completed to a lifetime maximum of $10,500.
2.2.2 Undergraduate Bachelor’s Degree
  • Mohawk College will reimburse 50 % of tuition for each course successfully completed to a lifetime maximum of $10,500. Courses or programs must be offered by degree-granting institutions.  
2.2.3 Graduate or Advanced Degree Masters or Doctoral Degree
  • Mohawk College will reimburse 50 % of tuition for each course successfully completed to a lifetime maximum of $10,500. Courses or programs must be offered by degree-granting institutions.  
2.2.4 Skilled Trade Courses or Programs
  • Mohawk College will reimburse 50 % of tuition for each course successfully completed to a lifetime maximum of $10,500. 

3. Conditions

The following conditions must be met to be eligible for Educational Assistance in the way of tuition reimbursement and or a tuition loan.

3.1 Application 

  • Applications must be completed in full and submitted with all required documentation, signatures and approvals prior to attending each course or program start date. See Appendix 1 for Employee Educational Assistance Program Application Form
  • Applications must include the following;
    • Manager’s support of the educational development and signature on the application 
    • Course description from the educational institution 
    • Cost of tuition – this document could be a screenshot of the cost from the institute’s website or from your student account and should clearly indicate the tuition amount separate from the ancillary or other fees.
    • Failure to provide required application information will result in the application being returned to the employee and could cause a delay or denial in the approval process.
  • Application for educational assistance in the way of tuition reimbursement, where applicable and in alignment with these operating procedures must be accessed first, prior to accessing or applying for any other Mohawk financial support, such as departmental, divisional, or College wide funding.
  • Eligible programs or courses must be taken at accredited education institutions, other than Mohawk College.
  • Application for tuition assistance can be included as part of a paid professional development leave. 
  • Courses are to be taken on the employee’s own time, unless otherwise approved; job obligations and department operations take precedence. 
  • Tuition Assistance does not cover preparation courses or exams, professional membership, OntarioLearn courses, any course or program that is eligible for the Ministry Funded discount courses-Continuing Education tuition fee reduction for employees’ program, or any courses or programs that are not administered through a designated accredited educational institution. Please see Program B Ministry Approved Discount Courses- Tuition Reduction and Program D - Departmental Budget - PD Requests for more information.  
  • Applications and approvals could be subject to a review committee
  • Completed applications can be submitted to Organizational Development Assistant via email to professionaldevelopment [at] mohawkcollege.ca (professionaldevelopment[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)

3.2 Budget Allocation

  • Budget for this program is held by Human Resources.
  • Mohawk College will only reimburse employees based on the guidelines above.  Employees are responsible for the remaining amount.  Departmental budgets are not to be used to compensate employees beyond the above eligibility guidelines. 
  • If there are more requests received in a given year than funds available, preference will be given to employees previously approved for their program who are continuing their studies. 

3.3 Reimbursement

Upon successful completion of the course or program, the College will reimburse the employee 50 % of the tuition allowable (considering the life time maximums).   

  • Documents required for reimbursement at the end of each course must be submitted within the deadline for payment, no later than three months upon completion of course in order to receive reimbursement.
  • An exception to course-by-course reimbursement is made for ongoing doctoral programs and those master’s programs which are research based and do not progress according to a course-based schedule.
  • Reimbursement will be based on the successful completion of a course, program or coursework in alignment with conditions outlined
  • Employees cannot apply for a course reimbursement for a course that they have already completed, or for a course/program where no application is on file and approved by Human Resources
  • Mohawk College will reimburse 50% of tuition for each course successfully completed to a lifetime maximum of $10,500, per academic credential.
  • Reimbursement excludes late registration fees, ancillary fees, books and/or materials, application fees, technology fees, library fees, learning resource fees, student union and/or alumni fees, out-of-province fees, and any other fees included in the breakdown that are outside of the tuition fee. 
  • Only actual tuition paid by the applicant will be eligible for the 50% reimbursement; tuition fee reductions, including, but not limited to, academic awards, bursaries, and scholarships are not eligible for the 50% reimbursement.
  • Reimbursement where applicable will be received with your regular pay via direct deposit on the next available pay deposit date, based on processing deadlines.
  • The following documentation must be submitted via email to professionaldevelopment [at] mohawkcollege.ca (professionaldevelopment[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca). and must include:
    • Final grades – an official document from the institution stating a passing grade 
    • Proof of payment of tuition – including the date the payment was made and a breakdown of the tuition and fees. Credit card statements are not accepted. 
    • If payment has been made in US currency or other currencies, the Bank of Canada currency converter will be used to determine the exchange rate on the date that your payment was posted.

3.4 Interest Free Loans

Employees can apply to receive an interest free loan for the full tuition amount (excludes ancillary fees, books or materials). 


  • Applications for a loan request, must be submitted at the same time as the application for educational assistance. See Appendix 2 below for Application Employee Education Tuition Assistance -Interest Free Loan and Promissory Note for Loan Re-Payment.
  • All sections of the application of the loan must be completed and signed including payment agreement and promissory note.
  • The employee will be required to repay the loan through payroll deduction over a four-month period (8 bi-weekly or semi-monthly pay periods). 
  • Payment of tuition loans are made by Mohawk College directly to the educational institute. 
  • Employees cannot have more than 2 tuition loans at the same time. 
  • Upon successful completion and confirmation that the loan has been repaid, Mohawk College will reimburse the employee 50% of tuition.

4. Definitions

 “Accredited education institution” An educational institution recognized from an accrediting agency that an institution maintains a certain level of educational standards

“Collective Agreements” Academic and Support Staff provisions of agreements between an employer and the union

“College Funded” Programs that are offered through Mohawk College and are designed to provide critical career development training. 

“Educational Assistance” Any financial amount to assist an individual in furthering their education at a post-secondary or professional level. Certain requirements must be met to qualify for assistance.

“Employee” A person actively employed and under the employ of Mohawk College

  • On a full-time, ongoing basis ether under the terms of the Academic Employees Collective Agreement, the Support Staff Collective Agreement, Part-Time Support Staff Collective Agreement or the Terms and Conditions for Administrative Staff; and/or
  • On a less than full-time and/or temporary basis under an employment agreement. This does not include a fee for service contractual arrangements or independent contractors.

“Full Performance” A performance rating as part of the performance management process defined as performance that consistently meets and fulfills job responsibilities, goals and performance objectives 


“Full-Time Permanent College Employee” is:

  • A full-time permanent member of the College working in administration under the Terms and Conditions of Employment for Administrative Staff;
  • A full-time permanent support staff member under the Support Staff Collective Agreement (OPSEU Local 241); and
  • A full-time permanent academic staff member under the Academic Employees’ Collective Agreement (OPSEU Local 240).

Full time studies/full course load” As defined by the institution as full-time studies 60% or more of a full course load 

Professional Development”: Strives to improve or build on one’s performance within a specific role or discipline, or as part of a known desired career path or aspiration. 

“Professional Development Leave”: Is a paid professional development opportunity for eligible employees to pursue professional development activities to further academic or technical studies, applied research, or industry experience. 

“Review Committee”: A diverse group of individuals who come together as a committee to review applications, nominations or referrals for compliance, priorities and decision making as it relates to some or all of the LDP’s identified within this Policy. 

5. Roles and Responsibilities

5.1 Employee


  • Be familiar with the Employee Learning and Development Policy and related programs, policies, procedures and related Collective Agreements, and adhere to all conditions and application requirements as outlined in the policy, procedures and application forms.
  • Must complete the application in full and in a timely manner to allow for signatures and review from their manager, HR and if required the review committee.
  • Applications must be submitted at least six weeks prior to the start of the course
  • Plan your professional development and discuss your application and course/program interest with your manager and seek approval prior to submitting to Human Resources
  • If you are planning to take multiple courses as part of an academic credential, please also provide a program description which outlines the number of courses required for completion. This helps estimate and plan our fiscal budget for the Educational Assistance Program.
  • Ensure your educational development plan is included as part of the Performance Review Process 
  • Complete an application for each course, within each educational program
  • You must include all items listed in the application and procedure conditions 
  • Must provide validation that a program is an approved accredited education institution
  • Keep a record for your files of your submission with your managers approval
  • Submit application for Interest free loans at least six weeks before tuition payments are due and prior to the start of the class 
  • Read and acknowledge payment agreement as outline in the application for if applying for a loan
  • Ensure you have a recent performance rating or review on file

5.2 Manager


  • Be familiar with the Employee Learning and Development Policy and related programs, policies, procedures and related Collective Agreements, and adhere to all conditions and application requirements as outlined in the policy, procedures and application forms 
  • Ensure employees meet all eligibility requirements and conditions prior to approving application
  • Ensure employee has a current performance review on file and they have received “full performance” or are in good standing prior to approving application
  • Review and discuss the professional development related to the educational assistance application prior to approval or denial.  
  • Ensure the educational development plan is included in the performance review process as part of their development.
  • Keep a copy of the application and your approval on file
  • Review requested course load as part of the application process to determine any operational or workload impact 

5.3 Human Resources

  • The Organizational Development Assistant (ODA) will receive and review the application to confirm eligibility, completion of documents and required signatures. 
  • The Director, People and Organization Development will approve reimbursement
  • Funding/reimbursement for this program is reviewed and monitored regularly to adhere to budget expectation.
  • Will determine if a review committee is needed based on volume of applications and or budget concerns.

6. Attachments 

7. Specific Links


Program B - Ministry Approved and Funded Discounted Courses - Tuition Fee Reduction

  1. Purpose


The Ministry Approved Discount Courses, tuition fee reduction, provides an opportunity for employees to participate in Ministry approved and funded credit courses at a reduced cost as outlined by this operating procedure, Ministry and CRA guidelines and Mohawk Registrar’s office approval.


This operating procedure provides a transparent and consistent process with fair and equitable criteria in the operation and approval process. Outline edibility criteria, responsibilities, conditions and procedural standards related to Ministry Approved and Funded Discount Courses -Tuition Fee Reduction. This is a program within the Employee Learning and Development Policy (hereafter referred to as EL&D Policy).

2. Eligibility

2.1 Employees

The following employees are eligible to enroll in Ministry Approved Education courses for a reduced cost. Actively employed;

  • Full-time employees
  • Part-time admin employees (including contract employees)
  • Mohawk College Foundation; Mohawk Student Association; and Mohawk College Enterprise employees


Tuition fee reduction is not available to:

  • Casual support 
  • Temporary support
  • Project of a non-recurring kind support employee and 
  • Those employees whose primary relationship with the College is that of a full-time student


2.2 Ministry Funded Eligible Courses


  • Eligible courses include all approved ministry-funded credit courses. This can include, but is not limited to, Continuing Education (CE) courses and OntarioLearn course when taken through Mohawk College, and any other course that is ministry-funded and considered a credit course as outlined by the approved Ministry Framework for funding approval of programs of instruction for colleges of applied arts and technology.
  • Eligible courses do not include non-credit courses (courses 10 hours or less e.g., workshops), non-funded courses (e.g., micro-credentials), OntarioLearn courses when registering through another institution other than Mohawk College, or any other course that is outside of the scope of the eligible course requirements. 
  • As per the Part-Time Support Collective Agreement, regular part-time support employees are eligible for Tuition Fee Reduction for one approved course per term, per person.
  • For all other eligible employees, tuition fee reduction is limited to two courses per semester, per person. 



For information regarding eligible continuing education courses please contact Continuing Education Registration at cereg [at] mohawkcollege.ca (cereg[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)


2.3.1 $20 per Seat Fee

All active employees as identified in the eligibility section 2, are eligible for the $20 per seat fee.  The tuition fee excludes any ancillary fees or course material fees which are additional costs.   

  1. Conditions

The following conditions must be met to be eligible for approved tuition fee reduction courses.


  • Applications must adhere to registration timelines
  • Courses that are professional in nature should be reflected in the employee’s performance review as part of their ongoing development
  • For Continuing Education and OntarioLearn courses, employees must complete their registration online through Continuing Education Registration system.
  • For a post-secondary course, not offered through CE, an employee must be Special Authorized by the Academic area in order to register.
  • The employee will receive the discount at the time of registration. Within the CE Registration system, employees will see the discount applied on eligible course/s when they check out. 
  • As per the Canada Revenue Agency Income Tax Act, the College is required to ensure that this benefit is a taxable benefit when the course is taken as a Personal Interest Course; when the course is taken as a Professional Interest Course, the course is not a taxable benefit to the employee.
  • As a part of the CE registration process employees will declare whether the particular course is being taken for Professional Interest or Personal Interest. This declaration will be subject to monitoring and audit by Human Resources.
    • For courses taken and as declared Personal Interest, a list will be sent to Finance, and a taxable benefit statement will be issued. 
  • If courses are taken for maintenance or upgrading of employment-related skills and are considered to primarily benefit the employer, it will be deemed a Professional Interest Course and thus not a taxable benefit to the employee
  • If a taxable benefit is applied, the employee’s regular net pay will be reduced by the Income Tax and Canada Pension Plan deducted on this taxable benefit. You will receive notification of this reduction from payroll.
  • If the course is considered Personal Interest by the manager or Human Resources, the benefit value will be calculated by Payroll Services and included in the employee’s current year income. The value of the benefit is the difference between the regular tuition fee and the $20 reduced fee paid by the employee. 
  • The College, and Continuing Education, reserves the right to establish a maximum number of seats available at the discounted tuition fee reduction rate in any given course. 
  • OntarioLearn, miscellaneous and/or course material fees, and ancillary fees are extra and must be paid in full by the employee.
  • Applicants must meet applicable course and/or program admission requirements and pre-requisites and are subject to all academic policies during their studies.
  • Employees can complete courses or programs that lead to a credential through this program, but they cannot complete a program full-time. Note maximums of 1, for support staff, and 2 courses per term for all other eligible employees.
  • Enrollment and course availability is at the discretion of the respective academic department. 
  • Courses are to be taken on the employees’ own personal time, unless otherwise approved job obligations and department operations take precedence. 
  1. Definitions 


“Ancillary fees” are fees that are charged in addition to the tuition which support services and defined activities.

“Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)” administers tax laws and related programs for the Government of Canada and for most provinces and territories.

“Collective Agreements” are Academic and Support staff provisions of agreement between an employer and the union.

“Continuing Education (CE)” refer to courses or programs that offer flexibility to study in-class, online or a combination of both offered by Mohawk College.

“Credit courses” is a credit course is a course over 10 hours.

“Employee” is a person actively employed and under the employ of Mohawk College

Full time studies/full course load” is defined by the institution as full-time studies 60% or more of a full course load 


“Funded courses” are courses funded by the Ministry as confirmed by the Registrar’s Office


“Ministry-funded programs” are programs of instruction approved by the ministry for funding through the general-purpose operating grant.

“Non-credit” is a workshop or course of 10 hours less.

“OntarioLearn” is a collection of shared online post-secondary courses available to all 24 Ontario publicly-funded colleges. Host institutions design, deliver and maintain the courses and programs they claim.

5. Roles and Responsibilities

5.1 Employee Responsibilities

  • For CE and OntarioLearn courses register through the CE registration process
  • For post-secondary courses, receive Special Authorization by the Academic area.
  • Confirm course eligibility for the reduced tuition by contacting the Registrar’s Office (ask [at] mohawkcollege.ca (ask[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)) If discount is not applied contact AskHR [at] mohawkcollege.ca (AskHR[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) to determine employee eligibility
  • Discuss with manager enrollment in courses that are identified as Professional Interest and include as part of development plan in the performance management process.
  • Declare Personal Interest courses when registering to ensure that the balance of tuition (course fee – 20 dollars) is captured as a taxable benefit.
  • Be familiar with and adhere to the conditions related to this program and the Employee Learning and Development Policy.
  • Review relevant Collective Agreements related to tuition fee reduction programs.

5.2 Manager’s Responsibilities

  • Be familiar with and adhere to the conditions related to this program and the Employee Learning and Development Policy.
  • Review relevant Collective Agreements related to tuition fee reduction programs.
  • Ensure all job-related development, in the form of Professional Interest course(s), program(s), are approved and identified as part of the performance review process. 
  • Validate Professional Interest courses on an as requested basis.

5.3 Finance Responsibilities


The payroll department will transact taxable benefit implications and report such on employee’s T4’s. 


5.4 Registrar’s Office Responsibilities


  • Will confirm Ministry funded courses
  • Will support employees requiring assistance through the various registration processes 


5.5 Continuing Education (CE) Responsibilities 


  • Will advise payroll which employees have taken Personal Interest courses and provide the taxable amount based on the self- declaration in registration process.
  • Will maintain a list of eligible courses for this program.
  • Will communicate maximum seat caps and registrations on funded courses eligible in under this program.


5.6 HR responsibilities 


  • Will maintain and update the policy and related procedures
  • Courses will be audited by Human Resources to confirm with the manager if professional in nature. 

6.  Specific Links

Program C - Professional Development Leave

1. Purpose


A professional development (PD) leave is a paid professional developmental opportunity for eligible employees to pursue professional development activities to further academic or technical studies, applied research, or industry experience. The leave activities will enhance the employee’s ability to fulfill their professional responsibilities for current or future needs of the College.  

This operating procedure provides a transparent and consistent process with fair and equitable criteria in the operation and approval process. Outline edibility criteria, responsibilities, conditions and procedural standards related to professional development leave. This is a program within the Employee Learning and Development Policy (here after referred to as EL&D) policy.

2. Eligibility


2.1 Employees 

  • Eligible employees include: 
    • A full-time permanent, active member of the College working in administration for six years or more and as outlined under the Terms and Conditions of Employment for Administrative staff
    • A full-time permanent active Academic employee who has been members of their respective bargaining unit for a period of six years or more as outlined in their Collective Agreement 
    • A full-time permanent active Support employees who have been members of their respective bargaining unit for a period of six years or more as outlined in their Collective Agreement 
    • regular part-time Support employees who have been members of their respective bargaining unit for a period of six years or more as outlined in their Collective Agreement 


2.2 Eligible Programs 

The following are the eligible programs for a paid professional development leave that an employee can apply for providing they meet the above eligibility criteria and following conditions.

2.2.1 Academic

Includes pursuing any of the following programs administered through a designated accredited educational institution. Evidence of full-time study or full course load is required. 

  • Undergraduate Degree (Bachelor’s Degree); 
  • Graduate Degree (Master’s Degree or Doctoral Degree); 
  • College Certificate or Diploma (Certificate Programs, Diploma Programs or Advanced Diploma Programs, or Graduate Certificate Programs); or 
  • Skilled Trade Courses or Programs. 
2.2.2 Applied Research

Provides an opportunity to complete research on a topic that will positively influence areas of the College. A detailed description of the research activity plan and methodology is required. A high-level communication plan for the dissemination of the results is also required. 


2.2.3 Industry Experience 

Provides an opportunity to pursue an industry placement at an outside organization. This allows employees to acquire new knowledge and additional skills by working in the industry. Primary duties performed during the placement must be detailed in the Professional Development Leave Application. Employees are responsible for securing their own placement. 

3. Conditions

The following conditions must be met to be eligible for a PD Leave.

3.1 Application 

  • Applications must be received and approved at minimum six months prior to the commencement of the PD leave 
  • An eligible employee can request and apply for a PD leave when they have reached the six or more years of service. The start date of the leave must follow the six years of service.
  • Seniority date based on full time seniority are used for calculations for years of service.
  • Six years or more of continuous employment must be completed between leaves
  • The length of the leave must be a minimum of one month to a maximum of one year. 
  • As part of the application process the employees must be in good standing and or rated at minimum as “full performance” as determined by a current performance review on file
  • The number of PD Leaves granted each year will be at the discretion of the college and based on resources available. The minimum number of Leaves granted to academic employees, as stipulated in the Academic Collective Agreement, will be respected.
  • Should the number of applications of requested PD Leave meet or exceed guidelines within the respective collective agreement or Terms and Conditions, a review committee would be established to review and prioritize applications.
  • The application for PD leave must take place in Canada and does not include costs related to travel or accommodations
  • Employees can apply for educational assistance as part of the educational assistance program within the Employee Learning and Development policy.
  • Applications for an unpaid leave is not covered under this procedure or related EL&D policy. Please reach out to your Human Resources Strategic Partner or manager or refer to the employee toolkit on MyMohawk
  • A detailed description of the research activity plan and methodology is required as part of the application. 

3.2 Vacation and Salary and benefits while on leave

  • Vacation allocation will be used as part of the PD leave if the leave is a full year. If the leave is less than a year, vacation does not have to be used during the PD leave.
  • Industry leaves with payment conditions will be reviewed by Human Resources
  • The College’s payment is subject to reduction if the aggregate of the College payment and compensation or payments from other sources from and/or during the leave exceeds the amount of the employee’s normal salary. 
  • The employee has a duty to advise the College of all sources of employment-related compensation during the term of the leave.
  • Administrative and Support Employees: The salary paid to the employee will be based on the following scale, except as otherwise mutually agreed: 
    • 55% of the employee’s normal salary after six years of employment with the College, increasing by five percent per year of additional service to a maximum of 70% of the employee’s normal salary after nine years. 
  • Academic Employees: The salary paid to the employee will be based on the following scale:
    • 55% of the employee’s base salary increasing by five percent per year after six years of employment with the College concerned to a maximum of 80% of the employee’s base salary after 11 years. 
  • Group Insurance benefits remain unchanged, including cost sharing in effect
  • “Deemed salary” meaning LTD premiums and CAAT contributions deducted as though the employee is still at work receiving 100% of salary
  • LTD premiums based on “deemed salary”
  • CAAT Pension Plan contributions based on “deemed salary”
  • Short-Term and Long-Term Disability benefits not available during Professional Development Leave

3.3 Other Conditions


  • Ownership of work produced during a Professional Development Leave shall be determined by both Mohawk College’s Copyright Policy and Intellectual Property Policy
  • The current OPSEU Academic and Support Staff Collective agreement and the Terms of Reference for Administrative Staff allows for the granting of leaves.
  • The employee, upon completion of the Professional Development Leave, will return to the College for a period of at least one year.
  • If the employee leaves the College within one year of return from their Professional Development Leave, the employee shall repay to the College salaries or fringe benefits received, if any, by the employee while on the Professional Development Leave. 
  • Use of Mohawk’s IT resources during the leave is at the discretion of the employee’s manager or director. The PD Leave Assets Borrowed Form must be completed, signed and a copy sent to IT.

4. Definitions

“Accredited education institution” is an educational institution recognized from an accrediting agency that an institution maintains a certain level of educational standards

“Collective Agreements” are Academic and Support Staff provisions of agreements between an employer and the union

“Educational Assistance” is any financial amount to assist an individual in furthering their education at a post-secondary or professional level. Certain requirements must be met to qualify for assistance.

“Employee” refers to a person actively employed and under the employ of Mohawk College

Full Performance” is a performance rating as part of the performance management process defined as performance that consistently meets and fulfills job responsibilities, goals and performance objectives

Full time studies/full course load” is defined by the institution as full-time studies 60% or more of a full coarse load 

“IT Resources” is any technology or programs or IT related artifact belonging to the College

Outside organization” is a recognized organization not affiliated with Mohawk College 

Professional Development” strives to improve or build on one’s performance within a specific role or discipline, or as part of a known desired career path or aspiration. 

“Professional Development Leave” is a paid professional development opportunity for eligible employees to pursue professional development activities to further academic or technical studies, applied research, or industry experience. The leave activities will enhance the employee’s ability to fulfill their professional responsibilities for the current or future needs of the College

“Review Committee” is a diverse group of individuals who come together as a committee to review applications, nominations or referrals for compliance, priorities and decision making as it relates to some or all of the LDP’s identified within this Policy. 

5. Roles and Responsibilities

5.1 Employees


  • Be familiar with the Employee Learning and Development policy and related policies and PD Leave procedures, and adhere accordingly 
  • Review relevant Collective Agreements or Terms and Conditions related to PD Leave 
  • Complete the application in full and in a timely manner to allow for signatures and review and discussion with your manager. Allow time for review from HR and if required the review committee
  • Must provide validation that a program is an approved accredited education institution
  • Must provide evidence of a full course load
  • Confirm your seniority date and eligibility prior to completing the application form and submitting for approval  
  • Have a recent performance review completed and on file
  • Use vacation as outlined
  • Must seek permission if using College technology as part of the leave and complete and sign the PD leave assets borrowed form, retain and submit for a manager approval.  Retain and copy and send a copy to IT.
  • Upon request from their manager, HR and/or the Committee, provide additional information to support decision making.
  • Advise the College of all sources of employment-related compensation during the term of the leave.
  • Review and sign PD Leave agreement
  • Returning from the leave, provide a high-level communication plan to your manager of your learnings or insights and how they will be shared in a way that benefits the department or the College.

5.2 Manager

  • Review application and determine approval or denial of leave based on eligibility, conditions or criteria outlined.
  • Recommend approval or denial of leave to Dean or Director, obtain authorization
  • Submit applications to professionaldevelopment [at] mohawkcollege.ca (professionaldevelopment[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
  • Consider the link between the proposed activities and the functions of the employee upon returning to the College
  • Consider the link between the proposed activities and the College strategic plan and department’s priorities
  • Review with employee as part of the PD leave a high-level communication plan of how the learnings or insights will be shared in a way that benefits the department or the College.
  • Include this plan as part of the performance review process
  • Be familiar with the Policy and procedures, and related policies and guide their employees accordingly. 
  • Review and discuss the application with the employee prior to approval or denial.  

5.3 Human Resources

  • Communicate annually, a reminder for the call out for PD leave applications
  • Draft and review with employee PD leave agreement
  • Review salary and benefit calculations while on leave as part of PD Leave Agreement
  • Assemble a review committee if applications exceed


5.4 Review Committee 


If required based on number of leave requests

  • Review and prioritize all Leave requests
  • Recommend approval of Leaves based on strategic priorities, length of service, prior Leave participation and critical skill gaps or College wide needs

6. Attachments

Program D - Departmental Budget - Professional Development Requests

  1. Purpose

Professional Development opportunities can be supported within departmental budgets as part of discretionary spending or base budget at the manager’s discretion Such requests use department budget allocation to fulfill the need within a department for specific skills, upskilling, designation memberships, conferences, seminars, workshops or other professional development activities outside of the college, not already covered or budgeted for within the Employee Learning and Development Policy. Department managers review and approve these requests as part of their budget.


This operating procedure provides a transparent and consistent process with fair and equitable criteria in the operation and approval process. Outline edibility criteria, responsibilities, conditions and procedural standards related to departmental budget professional development requests. This is a program governed by the Employee Learning and Development policy, and administered, reviewed and approved by department budget managers.

2. Eligibility


2.1 Employees 


Eligible employees include:

  • A full-time permanent, active administrative employee
  • A full-time permanent active academic employee 
  • A full-time permanent active support employee 
  • Regular part-time support employee
  • And or others at the discretion of the manager 


2.2 Professional Development


  • This can include but is not limited to attending professional development opportunities outside of the college such as; conferences, seminars, field trips, courses, workshops, bootcamps and or receive coaching as part of a formal development plan.
  • Customized professional development, team development or assessments with an external vendor 
  • Attendance to professional organization membership meetings or seminars or workshops that have a related cost
  • Out of province or country conferences or workshops require the completion of the appropriate paperwork or forms as outlined in the attachment section


2.3 Designation or Professional Memberships


  • Regulatory or job-related designations, or job-related membership
  • Can be individual employee professional membership or college membership


3. Conditions

The following conditions must be met to be eligible for Departmental Budget Professional Development Requests

As part of the request process in determining eligibility; 

  1. review policies related to learning and development, travel and expenses, and conflict of interest, if applicable 
  2. Substantiate how the development activity will improve any of the following:
    1. competencies
    2. skills
    3. knowledge
    4. performance
    5. job satisfaction
    6. career potential
    7. maximize employee contribution to the department or the College’s strategic priorities
  3. secure approval of PD activity by department manager prior to registering and or attending requested activity
  • Requests will be reviewed by the department head/ops manager or budget manager to determine the available budget and rationale for request. 
  • All requests will receive an email identifying if the request has been approved or declined. 
  • If approved, instructions for submitting expenses and or other required information will be included.  If declined, a rationale will be provided. 
  • As part of the approval process the employees must be in good standing and or rated at minimum as “full performance” as determined by a current performance review on file.
  • Approval for professional development or coaching where a rating falls below “full performance”, requires review or discussion with Human Resources

3.2 Other Conditions


  • These opportunities should be planned out and part of the goal setting and career or individual development discussions as identified in the performance management process.
  • External professional development should be included in employee transcripts in the Working at Mohawk system.
  • Department budget requests for professional development opportunities are only those that do not fall under other programs with human resources allocated budgets/funding within the Learning and Development Policy and related operating procedures
  • Professional memberships or designations can be purchased on a college purchase credit card or personal credit card, if the employee does not have a college purchasing card, with proof of purchase required for the submission of an expense report
  • Expenses must be submitted in accordance with the Travel Expenses and Hospitality Policy.

4. Definitions 


“Collective Agreements” are academic and Support Staff provisions of agreements between an employer and the union.

“Employee” is a person actively employed and under the employ of Mohawk College.

“Departmental budget” is a department-level financial plan or allocated funds that identifies spending for the year. Funding determined by the department lead drawn either from their discretionary/allowable spend or base budget to facilitate the growth and improvement of employees' skills and expertise, in accordance with the specific objectives established by the department.

“Full Performance” is a performance rating as part of the performance management process defined as performance that consistently meets and fulfills job responsibilities, goals and performance objectives.

“Full-time permanent college employee”

  • A full-time permanent member of the College working in administration under the Terms and Conditions of Employment for Administrative Staff;
  • A full-time permanent support staff member under the Support Staff Collective Agreement (OPSEU Local 241); and
  • A full-time permanent academic staff member under the Academic Employees’ Collective Agreement (OPSEU Local 240).


 “Outside organization” is a recognized organization not affiliated with Mohawk College. 


 “Professional Designation” is earned by a person or organization from a professional organization that demonstrates that a person or organization has achieved a particular standard of excellence in their field of work.

Professional Development” strives to improve or build on one’s performance within a specific role or discipline, or as part of a known desired career path or aspiration. 

“Professional Membership” is membership or belonging to a professional body aimed at supporting individuals as part of their profession and career.

5. Roles and Responsibilities

5.1 Employees


  • Be familiar with the Employee Learning and Development policy and related policies and procedures as outlined in attachments
  • Review relevant Collective Agreements or Terms and Conditions as it relates to Professional Development
  • Review and seek approval of the PD opportunity with manager
  • At the manager’s discretion, an employee may be required to share their learning or asked to provide a report, presentation or verbal update at a departmental meeting
  • Expenses must be approved by direct manager and must be submitted and reimbursed according to Travel Expenses and Hospitality Policy
  • Include the professional development within the performance management process as part of career aspirations, development plans or goals
  • Keep a copy of approved request on file 
  • Include in your personal transcripts on the Working at Mohawk system your external to college completed PD.


5.2 Manager


  • Be familiar with the Policy and procedures, and related policies and guide employees accordingly. 
  • Review request and determine approval or denial of request based on eligibility, conditions, criteria outlined and budget considerations to support the request(s)
  • Review the expenses related to the PD event, if any
  • Review and approve/deny requests in a fair, inclusive and equitable way for all employees
  • Review and discuss the request with the employee prior to approving or declining request. 
  • If declining request provide rationale and or other potential alternatives or commitments
  • Annually as part of budget planning and performance management goal setting and employee development process, identify professional development opportunities for employees that are external to the college and that are not covered internally within Mohawk College.
  • Communicate with employees the request for PD opportunities and approval process. Customize email template found in attachments
  • Determine the number of PD days available, workload, current priorities related to employee and work schedule to support the request
  • Note and track PD days as identified by respective Collective Agreement
  • Consider the link between the proposed activities and the functions of the employee within the department
  • Consider the link between the proposed activities and the College strategic plan and department’s priorities
  • Keep a copy of approved/declined request on file
  • Include this PD opportunity as part of the performance review process


5.3 Human Resources


  • Maintain and update policy or related procedures
  • Review when requested by manager, requested as part of professional development opportunities

6. Attachments


7. Specific Links

Travel Expenses and Hospitality Policy

Purchasing Card Policy

Conflict of Interest Policy