Access to Student Records Policy

Policy Number: SS-3106-1978
Policy Title: Access to Student Records
Policy Owner: Registrar
Effective Date: June 1, 1987
Last Revised: January 16, 2024

On this page:

  1. Purpose
  2. Application and Scope
  3. Definitions
  4. Principles
  5. Accountability and Compliance
  6. Rules
  7. Policy Revision Date
  8. Attachment
  9. Specific Links

1. Purpose

This policy provides information on requesting permission to access student information, retained by the Registrar’s Office, related to the payment of tuition and fees and the disclosure of student information to third parties.

2. Application and Scope

This policy applies to all Registrarial requests to access student academic and financial records related to admissions, fees, enrolment and academic records. Requests outside this scope should be referred to the appropriate support team, and are excluded from this policy. Access to student Health and Counselling records can be requested through Campus Wellness in accordance with  the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) Access to individualized accommodations plans for students with disabilities can be requested through Accessible Learning Services in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. (FIPPA)

International applicants may have direct contracts with Agents supporting them as an applicant during the application process. This policy does not supersede these contracts and the information they are privy to. Post-application activity, a release will be required by the registered student to share information with an agent, regardless of the contract in place.

3. Definitions

“Good Standing” means the student does not have a hold on their account. Holds can be placed on a student account by College staff for a variety of unresolved items, i.e. tuition and ancillary fees owing; unpaid parking tickets; behaviour issues; suspensions; technology and library equipment loans; academic dishonesty; outstanding financial assistance documents and repayments for emergency loans, etc.

“Student Record” means a collection of personal information, related to their academic and financial record, that is organized and capable of being retrieved using a student’s name or student number.

“Third Party” means those authorized to access the student record, by consent of the student. A third party could be, but is not limited to, a parent, guardian, spouse, agent, government agency or external organization.

4. Principles

Mohawk College only releases student information in accordance with the College’s Privacy and Legal Statements, in compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, upon written consent, or, where required by law.

5. Accountability and Compliance

5.1 Accountability Framework

This policy has been approved by the Senior Leadership Team.

5.2 Compliance

The Registrar is responsible for monitoring this policy and ensuring compliance.


6. Rules

The College will comply with requests for student information, providing that the:

  • Student requests access to their records and the student is in good standing;
  • Student requests the Authorization for Release of Student Information form by via the Email Ask Form (selecting “Authorization for Release of Student Information Request”) or by emailing ask [at] (ask[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) . A member of the Registrar’s Office will review the request and provide a copy of the  Release form to the student to complete The student can give consent to provide information to a third party for academic and financial information related to the student in study activity, up to:
    • admissions information;
    • confirmation of enrollment, including dates and program information;
    • academic details, including details on diploma, degree, certificate and/or acknowledgement awarded; and/or
    • fees charged and paid to the College.
  • Registrar, or designate, deems providing student information to a third party is in the best interest of public safety and/or personal safety of the student;
  • Information requested is required by law or requested by law enforcement officials i.e., Employment Insurance Act, Court Subpoena, etc.; and/or
  • Academic and financial information on admissions, registration, student records and academic achievement may also be used for educationally relevant, statistical and research purposes by the College or third parties, where:
    • Consent has been obtained from the student;
    • If in an aggregate or on an anonymous basis; or
    • If permitted by law.

The completed Authorization for Release of Student Information form is processed by the Registrar’s Office. Inquiries about requests can be sent to ask [at] (ask[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)

6.1 Access by College Employees

College employees, in alignment with the Information Governance and Security Policy and IT User Account Lifecycle Policy, will be granted access to student records to complete their employment obligations when necessary and as part of the daily operations of the College.

6.2 Access by Government Officials

Access to student records will be given to government officials having the authority to obtain access. Further information regarding the disclosure of information to government entities can be found in the College’s Privacy and Legal Statements.

7. Policy Revision Date

7.1 Revision Date

January 2029

7.2 Responsibility

The Registrar will review this policy every five (5) years or earlier when required.

8. Attachment

Intentionally left blank.

9. Specific Links

Information on the collection and use of student-level enrolment-related data can be obtained from Ministry of Colleges and Universities.