Student Assessment Policy

Policy Number: AS-2007-2014
Policy Title: Student Assessment Policy
Policy Owner: Vice President, Academic
Effective Date: September 17, 2014

Last Revised: October 17, 2018

On this page:

  1. Purpose
  2. Application and Scope
  3. Definitions
  4. Principles
  5. Accountability and Compliance
  6. Rules
  7. Policy Revision Date
  8. Attachments
    1. Appendix A - Missed Assessment/Evaluation Procedure
  9. Links

1. Purpose

This policy presents a framework for assessing student performance.

2. Application and Scope

This policy applies to all Ontario post-secondary credentials delivered by Mohawk College.

3. Definitions

“College-sponsored event” will include varsity athletic competitions, Mohawk Students’ Association Board events (i.e. meetings, retreats), and formal Mohawk College events (i.e. convocation, orientation). Social events are excluded.

“Course Teacher” is the individual responsible for teaching and assessing a particular section of a course with respect to any definitions or requirements contained within the current Academic Collective Agreement.

“Formative Assessment” refers to the gathering of information or data about student learning during a course or program that is used to guide improvements in teaching and learning. Formative assessment activities are usually low-stakes or no-stakes; they do not contribute substantially to the final evaluation or grade of the student or may not even be assessed at the individual student level. For example, posing a question in class and asking for a show of hands in support of different response options would be a formative assessment at the class level. Observing how many students responded incorrectly would be used to guide further teaching. *

“Reliability” is the degree to which an assessment tool produces stable and consistent results. **

“Summative Assessment” refers to the gathering of information at the conclusion of a course, program, or undergraduate career to improve learning or to meet accountability demands. When used for improvement, impacts the next cohort of students taking the course or program. Examples: examining student final exams in a course to see if certain specific areas of the curriculum were understood less well than others; analyzing senior projects for the ability to integrate across disciplines. **

“Validity” is the degree to which a test measures what it is purported to measure. **

* Taken from Carnegie Mellon Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation

** Taken from Student Outcomes Assessment for Exploring Reliability in Academic Assessment

4. Principles

  1. Student assessment will be designed to ensure that students have achieved the stated curricular learning outcomes and competency levels prescribed for a particular course and program.
  2. The processes of design, implementation and administration of assessment of student learning at Mohawk College will ensure that assessment practices within programs and courses facilitate the achievement of specified learning outcomes.
  3. Mohawk College's assessment practice will:
    1. Focus on learning and teaching efforts based on intended learning outcomes and the development of graduates prepared for the workplace in their field of study;
    2. Assist students to develop their knowledge, skills and capabilities in meaningful ways in disciplinary, professional and personal contexts;
    3. Recognize and accommodate student diversity by providing assistance for alternate testing environments;
    4. Utilize both formative and summative assessments. Formative assessments help the students improve learning and the course teacher to improve instruction during the course. Summative assessments identify the level of accomplishment that has been achieved.

5. Accountability and Compliance

5.1 Accountability Framework

This policy has been approved by the Senior Leadership Team.

5.2 Compliance

Assessment of student progress shall be the professional responsibility of the individual course teacher. Assessment practices will be regularly reviewed at the institutional, school, program and course levels as part of Mohawk College's ongoing quality assurance and improvement processes.

6. Rules

6.1 Assessment Planning

  • Assessment of the capabilities of program graduates, including knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes, will be consistent with the program learning outcomes.
  • Summative assessments will be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure relevance to program standards and graduate outcomes.
  • Summative assessment activities will be strategically spread over the semester and planned at a program level to manage student workload.
  • Formative assessment will be used frequently throughout the semester to ensure student learning is on track.

6.2 Grading

  • Grading will be done in accordance with the Grading and Transcripts Policy.
  • Grades will be determined in accordance with criteria for each assessment that are clearly communicated to students. Assessment criteria include, but are not limited to, grading rubrics, marking schematics, marking guides.
  • Penalties for late submission or missed assessments must be made clear to students at the start of the course. Penalties are generally documented on the course outlines and/or shared by course faculty.

6.3 Feedback

  • Students will be provided with formative and summative feedback on progress on a regular basis. Regular feedback will be defined on a program specific basis.
  • Timelines for the feedback from individual summative assessments will be clearly communicated to students. Students should receive feedback from one assessment prior to the next assessment.

6.4 Accommodations

  • Accommodations pertaining to a documented disability (temporary or permanent) will be provided in accordance with the Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities Policy.
  • Accommodations pertaining to other human rights grounds will be provided in accordance with the Student Human Rights Policy.
  • For programs and/or courses with a final examination, relief for a student that misses the final exam will be determined by the course teacher in consultation with the program coordinator and Associate Dean, in accordance with all other rules in this policy.

6.5 Exemptions, Re-assessments, Re-submissions and Appeals

  • Students who miss an assessment due to a college sponsored event will be provided with a supplemental assessment or other form of relief. The form of the supplemental assessment or relief will be determined by the course teacher. Relief for a missed assessment includes, but is not limited to: deadline extension, deferred test, and re-weighting of grades. The student must notify the course teacher prior to the start of the assessment, or assessment deadline to be eligible for relief.
  • Relief or supplemental assessments may be given to students in the event of illness, family emergency, or other extenuating circumstance, provided they submit appropriate documentation. The form of accommodation will be determined by the course teacher. The student must notify the course teacher prior to the start of the assessment, or assessment deadline to be eligible for relief, or at the earliest opportunity that a medical illness or injury may allow.
  • Student appeals of final grades will be in accordance with the Academic Appeals Policy.
  • Processes for re-assessments or re-submissions of individual assessments will be at the discretion of the program area and will be communicated to students in the program handbook and/or course outline.

6.6 Emergencies / Campus Closures

  • In the event of an emergency evacuation, the course teacher will determine an alternative assessment method in consultation with the program coordinator and Associate Dean. All reasonable steps shall be taken to ensure that students shall not be negatively impacted as a result of an emergency evacuation.
  • In the event of a campus closure, assessments will be re-scheduled or an alternative assessment will be provided, to be determined by the course instructor. Assignment submission deadlines will be extended by one school day.

6.7 Academic Integrity and Student Behaviour

7. Policy Revision Date

7.1 Revision Date

October 2023

7.2 Responsibility

This policy will be reviewed and updated by the Vice President, Academic every five years or earlier if required.

8. Attachments

9. Links

Appendix A - Missed Assessment/Evaluation Procedure

Mohawk College requires that students demonstrate the prescribed learning outcomes within each course through the formal evaluations documented and scheduled on the course outline. However, in some cases learners may face exceptional circumstances that could prevent completion of assessments as scheduled. This procedure outlines the process for students to follow in the event of a planned or unplanned absence(s). In an effort to balance the need to ensure absences are validated without creating an undue burden on the healthcare system, wherever possible, informal resolution should be prioritized.

This procedure applies to all full-time, part-time post-secondary, apprenticeship and continuing education programs. Collaborative program students fall outside of this procedure and should contact their teacher directly.

This procedure does not apply to missed assessments/evaluations that are covered by existing College protocols. Students requiring alternate arrangements for assessments and testing as a result of accessibility needs must contact Accessible Learning Services  . Students requiring accommodation as result of a protected ground under the Ontario Human Rights Code must contact the Student Rights and Responsibilities Office.  Indigenous Student Services is available for support for Indigenous learners. Where classes are cancelled due to an emergency or severe weather, the Campus/College Closure Procedure will apply.

Where any student is found to be misusing the system, or, demonstrates a repeated pattern of behaviour, such behaviour may be dealt with under the Student Behaviour Policy.

1. Planned/Known Absences

If a student knows in advance that an assessment will be missed, the student must notify their teacher prior to the start of the assessment or assessment deadline to be eligible for relief. Grounds for consideration of relief include:

  • Varsity Athletics;
  • Official College-sponsored events;
  • Official events for elected student representatives;
  • Culturally related responsibilities (i.e. Indigenous Ceremonies)
  • Days of Significance ;
  • Competing academic conflict (ex. Field trips, conferences etc.); and/or
  • Unavoidable medical procedures.

If the teacher determines that substantiating documentation is required, students will be directed by their teacher to submit their request through the Student Wellness Documentation Portal for review and validation of documentation provided. Students should never send documentation directly to their teacher. Results of the review will be communicated directly to the teacher from Student Wellness confirming receipt and verification of documentation submitted and the dates to which the documentation applies. If approved (with or without requirement for substantiating documentation), the form, time-frame and process of supplemental assessment or relief  will be determined by the teacher. Relief may include, but is not limited to, deadline extension, deferred testing, or re-weighting of grades.

2. Unplanned Absences

If a student experiences an extenuating circumstance that prevents attendance of an assessment or evaluation, the student must notify their teacher as soon as possible, preferably, prior to the start of the assessment or assessment deadline to be eligible for relief. Extenuating circumstances include:

  • Debilitating physical, medical or psychological event;
  • Family emergency; or
  • Compelling personal reason(s).

If the teacher determines that substantiating documentation is required, students will be directed by their teacher to submit their request through the Student Wellness Documentation Portal for review and validation of documentation provided. Students should never send documentation directly to their teacher Results of the review will be communicated directly to the teacher from Student Wellness confirming receipt and verification of documentation submitted and the dates to which the documentation applies. If approved (with or without requirement for substantiating documentation), the form, time-frame and process of supplemental assessment or relief will be determined by the teacher. Assessment relief or remedy will consider cultural practices and ceremonies in the event of family emergencies.

3. General Medical Document Requests

There may be situations where a teacher, program or department requires medical documentation for registration or administrative purposes. Where required, students will submit requested documentation through the  Student Wellness Documentation Portal for review and validation. This does not include students who are registered with Accessible Learning Services and have provided their medical documentation already.