Information for Instructors/Professors on Confidentiality and the Accommodation Letter

Keeping the Accommodation Letter Confidential

Accessible Learning Services is a confidential service. There is student autonomy in terms of sharing the Accommodation Letter with faculty and others. The Accommodation Letter cannot be released to any person within or outside the College without written, informed consent of the student. When a student sends you their Accommodation Letter, please keep a copy of the document in a confidential place that cannot be accessed by others. If you are keeping a copy of the Accommodation Letter on a nonsecure part of your computer consider putting a password on the document for your access only. It would be recommended that you do not print a copy of the Accommodation Letter, however, if you do please store the document in a locked setting.

Discussing the Accommodation Letter with your Student

Many times it is helpful to have a conversation with your student about the accommodations listed in their letter. If you would like to have this conversation with your student, please make sure to discuss the Accommodations Letter in confidence. For example, when you receive the student's Accommodation Letter in an email, contact the student by email and ask them if they would like to discuss their Accommodation Letter after class or in a scheduled meeting, over the phone, or through email. If you or the student has questions about the Accommodation Letter that neither of you can answer, make sure to reach out to the Accessibility Counsellor listed on the Accommodation Letter to help you both answer the questions you are asking. The Accessibility Counsellor’s contact information can be found at the bottom of the Accommodation Letter. You can also contact Accessible Learning Service directly by emailing als [at] (als[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) or calling 905-575-2122.

Engaging in Conversations with your Class about Academic Accommodations

It is helpful to make a statement in class inviting students who have accommodations to discuss them in a confidential manner. It is important to remember not to disclose students who have an Accommodation Letter in front of the class or another person. Following Mohawk College's Academic Accommodations For Students with Disabilities Policy, accommodation information cannot be released to any person within or outside the college without the expressed consent of the student. Engaging with students regarding the accommodation process will provide an opportunity to address any questions and develop strategies around accommodation use. There is the contact information for the student’s Accessibility Counsellor on each Accommodation Letter, however, many issues with regards to accommodations can be resolved directly with the student.

Providing Students with Accessible Learning Services Contact Information

Some students may not be aware of or know how to access Accessible Learning Services. Providing contact information (phone, email, and office location) can assist students in connecting with our office. Our contact information can be shared in Learning Plans, on MyCanvas, or in the classroom. Our webpage also has some valuable information for students who wish to inquire about our services.

Engaging in Conversations with Students Experiencing Academic Challenges

Not all students who have a disability have been diagnosed, or are even aware that their academic challenges may be the result of a disability. If you notice a student is struggling academically or shares that they are having significant challenges with the course work, refer them to our office to explore the issue with the student. If you are uncomfortable or not sure how to have this discussion with a student, feel free to contact our office for guidance.

Other students may share with you that they have been identified, had an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), or received remedial support in school. These students should be referred to Accessible Learning Services for assessment of accommodation needs.

If you are interested in having someone from Accessible Learning Services visit your class to explain how Accessible Learning Services provides support, and who can register, feel free to contact our office and we can arrange this visit to your class.

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Have Questions? Need Assistance? Want to Book an Appointment?
We are here to help. Contact Accessible Learning Services by email at als [at] (als[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) or by phone at (905) 575-2122.