Pay your Fees and select your Timetable to register

Register and Pay your Fees

Take the next step to getting started in your chosen program!

Learn more about Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees

Pay the $250 non-refundable tuition deposit by the due date indicated on your fee statement to secure your spot. This deposit amount applies to new or returning students. A $150 deposit late fee will be charged after the due date listed on the fee statement.

Learn more about Tuition and Fees

Visit MyMohawk to select your timetable

Find the date and time that timetable selection begins for your program in MyMohawk by selecting "Find out when to register online" under the "Registration" link. Be sure to complete your registration by clicking the "Submit to register" button.

Go to MyMohawk

Complete your Assessments for Success

Assessments for Success are designed to determine your skills and help you succeed; they do not affect your offer of admission.
Based on your results, you will be placed in the Communications course that is right for you. You may even be exempt from one or more of your required Communications courses.

Learn more about Assessments for success


Need help with next steps?

The Admissions team is available to help you along your process to joining Mohawk College. Contact us to take advantage of resources and one-on-one support.

Connect with our Admissions Team