Post-Migration Guide

Now that your Mohawk College email has been moved to the cloud (Microsoft 365) follow this checklist to reconfigure your Outlook Profile, including any preferred settings.

The expected configuration time is approximately 30-60 minutes.

Remember: While reconfiguring your Outlook profile, you may continue accessing email using the Outlook Web App ⤻ (new tab).


Outlook Post-Migration Checklist

Outlook Web App:


New Microsoft 365 Online Profile:

  • Check if your new Outlook Profile was automatically created.

    Check if Your Profile Created Automatically

    Before starting Outlook when you're moved to Teams, check if your new profile was automatically created.

    1. Click Start and type "Control Panel"
      Click the search result to open Control Panel.
      Screenshot of the Control Panel start menu item
    2. Use the search box at the top-right of the Control Panel to search for Mail. Click Mail to open the Mail Setup window.
      Screenshot of the Control Panel with the word Mail entered in the search box and the Mail utility shown in the search results
    3. In the Mail Setup window, click Show Profiles...
      Screenshot of the Mail Setup utility with the Show Profiles button highlighted
    4. In the Mail Profiles window, look at the profile list and confirm ExOnline is shown.
      If ExOnline is not on the list: Close all open windows and follow the instructions in the next section "Recreate Your Outlook Profile"
      Screenshot of the profile list with ExOnline highlighted
    5. If ExOnline is shown: Select Always use this profile, choose ExOnline in the drop-down list, then click OK.
      Screenshot of the profile list with ExOnline highlighted
    6. Close all open windows and start Outlook.
  • Create a new Microsoft 365 Outlook profile. (Skip this step if your profile was created automatically)

    Recreate Your Outlook Profile

    You will only perform these steps if they have not been completed for you by automatic processes.

    If you require immediate access to your email, log in to (new window)

    When your Outlook profile is moved to the cloud, you must recreate it on your computer.

    1. Click the Start button and type in "Control Panel" to find the Control Panel app. Click it to open Control Panel.
      Screenshot of the Control Panel start menu item
    2. Use the search box at the top-right of the Control Panel to search for Mail. Click Mail to open the Mail Setup window.
      Screenshot of the Control Panel with the word Mail entered in the search box and the Mail utility shown in the search results
    3. In the Mail Setup window, click Show Profiles...
      Screenshot of the Mail Setup utility with the Show Profiles button highlighted
    4. In the Mail Profiles window, click Add...
      Screenshot of the Mail profiles windows with the Add button highlighted
    5. In the pop-up, name the new profile ExOnline. Double-check that the name matches completely, then click OK.
      Screenshot of the New Mail Profile window with text box highlighted. The name ExOnline is entered into the text box.
    6. The Add Account window will appear and show pre-set information for your account. Click NextScreenshot of the Add Account window with the name and email address already filled. The Next button is highlighted.
    7. A login pop-up will appear. Enter your EmployeeID [at] (EmployeeID[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) (e.g. 000101060 [at] (000101060[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)) and click Next
      Screenshot of a Microsoft login screen where you enter your EmployeeID at The Next button is highlighted.
    8. You will return to the Add Account window. Click Finish
      Screenshot of the Add Account window showing confirmation of the new account. The Finish button is highlighted.
    9. Re-launch Outlook. It will ask you to choose a profile. In the Profile Name drop-down, select ExOnline. Check the box next to Set as Default Profile, then click OK.
      Screenshot of Outlook's Choose Profile window. The profile name ExOnline is selected. The box next to Set As Default Profile is checked off. The OK button is highlighted.

Re-add your Shared Mailboxes

  1. In Outlook, click File > Add Account
  2. Type the full email address of the mailbox you wish to add. Click Connect.
  3. A prompt will appear to enter a password. Just below Forgot my password, click Sign in with another account. Have your authenticator device ready.
  4. Enter your username MohawkID [at] (MohawkID[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) (e.g. 000101060 [at] (000101060[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)). Click Next.
  5. Enter your account password and click Sign In. You may be prompted to enter a code or confirm on your authenticator app.
  6. Restart Outlook to make the shared mailbox appear in your profile. 

Re-add your Shared Calendars

  1. In Outlook, go to the Calendar view. In the calendar list on the left side, right-click on Shared Calendar > Add Calendar > From Address Book
  2. Change the Address Book dropdown to Global Address List. In the search box, enter the name of the shared calendar. In the search results, double-click the name of the calendar, then click OK. 
  3. The calendar will appear in the Shared Calendar section



Delegation Verification


Mailbox Rules


Email Signature


Voicemail Configuration


Mobile Outlook App

To use Outlook on your mobile, your device must have a minimum OS version of iOS 15.0 or Android 9.0

Updating the Outlook App on Android

Outlook will give you an error after your email is moved to the cloud

  1. Open the Outlook app and tap Add account.
    Screenshot of the Welcome to Outlook android app screen. The Add Account button is highlighted.
  2. Enter your email address, firstname.lastname [at] (firstname[dot]lastname[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) and tap Continue.
    Screenshot of the Android app screen where you enter your college email address.
  3. On the next screen, tap Office365.
    Screenshot of the Outlook android app showing where to tap the Office 365 icon.
  4. Enter your username EmployeeID [at] (EmployeeID[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) (e.g. 000101060 [at] (000101060[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)) and password. Tap Sign In.
    Screenshot of a Microsoft login screen where you enter your EmployeeID at The Next button is highlighted.
    Screenshot of a Microsoft login screen where you enter your account password. The Sign In button is highlighted
  5. You may need to answer a multi-factor authentication prompt to continue.
    Screenshot of an Authenticator prompt asking you to approve the sign in request on your Microsoft Authenticator app.Screenshot of an Authenticator prompt asking you to approve the sign in request on your Microsoft Authenticator app.
  6. When asked if you want to add another account, tap Maybe Later

Updating the Outlook App on iOS

Outlook will give you an error after your email is moved to the cloud

Screenshot showing the Please Sign Into Your Account Error in Outlook for iOS

  1. Open the Outlook app and tap the # icon at the top of your inbox.
    Screenshot of the location of the # symbol icon
  2. At the bottom of the screen, tap the gear (settings) icon.
    Screenshot of the gear (settings) menu icon
  3. Tap your Exchange email account, then tap Delete Account.
    Screenshot of the Outlook Settings in iOS. The user's Exchange mail account is highlighted
    Screenshot of the Exchange Account Settings in Outlook for iOS. The Delete Account button is highlighted.
  4. Restart the Outlook app, then tap Add account.
  5. Enter your username EmployeeID [at] (EmployeeID[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) (e.g. 000101060 [at] (000101060[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)). Tap Add Account.
    Screenshot of the Add Account prompt in Outlook iOS with EmployeeID at entered. The Add Account button is highlighted.
  6. Accept the multi-factor authentication prompt.
    Screenshot of the Outlook iOS app asking you to open the Authenticator app to continue setting up you email.
  7. Enter your username EmployeeID [at] (EmployeeID[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) (e.g. 000101060 [at] (000101060[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)) and password. Tap Sign In
    Screenshot of a Microsoft login screen where you enter your EmployeeID at The Next button is highlighted.
    Screenshot of a Microsoft login screen where you enter your account password. The Sign In button is highlighted
  8. When completed, the app will ask if you want to add another account. Tap Maybe Later
    Screenshot of the Outlook iOS app asking if you would like to add another account. The Maybe Later button is highlighted.

Updating iOS' Default Mail App

If you are using the iOS Default app for mail, you will need to update your settings to receive information from your migrated email.

  1. First, you must remove your existing account. From your main screen, tap Settings.
    The iOS settings icon
  2. Locate and tap Mail.
    Location of the Mail setting in iOS
  3. Tap Accounts.
    Location of the Accounts menu in iOS
  4. Tap your Mohawk College account.
    An account named Mohawk College highlighted in the iOS account list
  5. Tap Delete Account.
    The Delete Account button highlighted in the Mohawk College account's setting
  6. Return to the Home screen. Tap the Mail app.
    The iOS Mail app icon
  7. Tap Microsoft Exchange.
    Mail app list showing different email services with Microsoft Exchange highlighted
  8. Enter your email address (firstname.lastname) and the description Mohawk College
    Account setup screen showing the user's email address in the email box and the name Mohawk College in the description box.
  9. A prompt will appear. Tap Sign In.
    Sign in prompt with the Sign In button highlighted
  10. Enter your 9-digit MohawkID [at] (MohawkID[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca) (e.g. 000101060 [at] (000101060[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)), then tap Next.
    Microsoft sign in screen with the user's 9-digit at username entered and the Next button highlighted
  11. Enter your password, then tap Sign In.
    Mohawk sign in screen with the user's Mohawk password entered and the Sign In button highlighted
  12. You must authorize the login using your Authenticator app. Follow the prompts to approve the login request.
    Screen from the Microsoft Authenticator app asking you to approve the sign in request. The checkbox for Don't ask again for 30 days is highlighted.
  13. Accept the permission request.
    Promp listing the permissions required to sign into your account in iOS with the Accept button highlighted
  1. Training and Resources:
  • Explore available training sessions, materials, guides, or resources.
  • Seek assistance from your IT support or designated contacts for any queries or concerns.
  • Register and attend upcoming MS Teams training sessions through the MyLearning Event Calendar.

Now that your phone has been migrated from Skype for Business (Lync) to Microsoft Teams, you will notice additional features available. Follow this checklist to confirm the migration was successful and to complete any required configurations.

The expected configuration time is approximately 30-60 minutes.

Teams Post-Migration Checklist

  1. Dial Pad and Phone Number:
  1. Contact Groups:
  • Verify that your contact groups have been successfully migrated from Skype for Business to Teams. Contact Groups will appear on the right-hand side of the Teams window within the Calls app.
  1. Calendar App:
  1. Voicemail Configuration:
  1. Calls Testing
  • Test Inbound Calls: Confirm that you can be reached on your assigned Teams phone number by testing incoming calls from internal and external numbers (you can ask a colleague to help you test internal numbers and use a cell phone for testing external inbound calls).
  • Test Outbound Calls: by dialing internal and external numbers.
  • How to transfer, merge, and park a call ⤻ (new tab).