Partnerships & Global Engagement
Read about our latest initiatives in the area of partnerships and global engagement.
Return to Newsletter homepageShort-term Study Students Arriving this Winter from Trinidad & Tobago and Mexico
In winter of 2022, Mohawk is pleased to welcome two students from the University of Trinidad & Tobago (UTT) to study for one semester in the Engineering Systems Technology program. Both students will be studying with support from the Canada-CARICOM Skills Training for the Green Economy Scholarship program which provides students from the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) member states with short-term exchange opportunities at publicly funded Canadian colleges and institutes. The scholarships support study in programs or disciplines related to the green economy and cover all expenses except tuition relating to study and travel to Canada.
Mohawk will also be welcoming three students from our partner Universidad Madero in Mexico. One student is supported through the Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP) scholarship from the Government of Canada which provides support for all study expenses, and will be studying International Business Management for the winter 2022 semester. The other two students will be studying for one year starting Winter 2022 in the Global Business Management program at Mohawk.
Mohawk Signs New MOUs Enabling Global Growth and Opportunity for Students, Staff and Faculty
In March of 2021, Mohawk College signed Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with University of Trinidad & Tobago (UTT) and Universidad Madero (UMAD) located in Puebla, Mexico and with Amity University, located in India, in May 2021. These MOUs outline a mutual agreement to develop cooperative relations, especially to develop academic and cultural interchange in the areas of teaching and research.
Examples of such programs and activities which are being explored include exchange of faculty members and technical staff; exchange of students; pathways for students to Mohawk; joint research actions; participation in seminars, academic meetings and video-conferencing; special short-term academic programs and cultural exchange activities.
To start, Mohawk College will be welcoming students from both UTT and UMAD in the winter of 2022 for short-term study, with support from Government of Canada scholarships. See the story above in this newsletter for more details. Meanwhile, Mohawk is working closely with Amity University on curriculum mapping to identify pathways for Amity students to study in Mohawk programs.
Global Skills Opportunity Funding to Support Learning in Italy, New Zealand
Mohawk College students will have access to global learning opportunities in Italy and New Zealand through two new projects, funded by the Government of Canada’s new Global Skills Opportunity program.
With more than $600,000 in funding, Mohawk will be able to provide global learning for students, intended to unlock student potential through life-changing global skills and experiences, increasing their intercultural competencies and giving them new and in-demand work skills.
Over the next three years, three cohorts of 15 to 20 students in the Business-General Program, with the support of two professors, will have the opportunity to study for two weeks at the CUOA Business School in Vicenza, Italy, and supported by staff and faculty in the Indigenous Initiatives, Education, and Student Services (IIESS) and the General Arts and Sciences (GAS) program, 16 Indigenous students from across the college will experience traditions, thought and practices from Māori culture for three weeks in New Zealand in 2023.
Members of the IIESS and GAS teams Jessica Pearce, Leah Hogan, Carlie Myke, Ryan Iles, Amanda Collina, Rick McLean and Amy Kelaidis have begun planning the various aspects of the project while Professors Lisa Graham and Laurence Smith supported by Associate Dean Drew McTear in the McKeil School of Business have recruited eligible students and have begun to develop strategies to support them before, during and after the trips.
Global Skills Opportunity is a national outbound student mobility program that is expected to enable more than 16,000 Canadian college and undergraduate-level university students from across the country to acquire the global skills employers want and the Canadian economy needs. A key component of the Government of Canada’s International Education Strategy, Global Skills Opportunity is funded by Employment and Social Development Canada and is administered jointly by Colleges and Institutes Canada and Universities Canada.
FLASH Workshops Engage Faculty with Internationalization Topics
The International Faculty Leads launched the Faculty Learning And Sharing (or FLASH) workshops in winter of 2021. Each workshop is a quick 30 minutes and takes a dive into the International Faculty Toolkit, a resource in MyCanvas for all employees, examining a single module and allowing time for sharing and discussion of teaching strategies. FLASH sessions are meant to help attendees to explore intercultural competence, understand the international student journey/experience and discover effective ways to internationalize the curriculum and classroom. Fourteen FLASHes covering 6 topics have been offered so far with 184 faculty and staff participating and receiving credit in the Working at Mohawk system for participating.