International students are allowed to work while they are studying in Canada. There are certain limitations which you should be aware of.
There are a number of employment opportunities available to international students. Take a minute and learn about what options are open to you:
Working Options:
Co-op Work Permit Program
Co-op Services staff works with students who have chosen to register in a program that has a co-op/internship component as part of their program of studies. Students attend co-op prep-classes the semester before their first work term. During this semester they will develop a resume and cover letter, apply for co-op jobs using CareerReady and prepare to attend job interviews when selected. Students can apply to as many jobs as they feel they want. The more jobs a student applies to the better chance a student has to secure work. There are different co-op work term rotation models depending on your program of studies. Co-op work terms are four months in duration and can run back to back which means a student can be out working for four, eight or twelve months before returning to class. Co-op allows you to earn money to help pay for your education and living expenses. You also gain valuable work experience and the opportunity to network with employers.
Co-op jobs are paid employment opportunities. Employers pay different hourly rates depending on the position, type of company and size of company. If you are selected by an employer for a co-op position a job offer will be sent to you with all the details outlined including hourly rate.
Co-op / Internship Study and Work Program
The Co-op / Internship Program offers the highest possible value for International students. Students can study and work to gain valuable experience while helping to pay for expenses. Students are also able to extend their visa after graduation and work for up to three years. Visit the detail outlined on the Cooperative Education website to see when the program offers the co-op / Internship work periods.
International Students who have enrolled in a co-op/internship program will need to apply for a co-op work permit. The International Department will provide a letter of support outlining your co-op program which must be submitted with an application for a permit. This letter must be requested through the Letter Request Form. We recommend students in a co-op program to apply as soon as possible for their co-op work permit to allow sufficient time to process their application.
General Tips
- Apply for a co-op work permit as soon as possible - you will not be able to view job postings or apply for co-op jobs unless you have your permit.
- Keep copies of all your important documents in a separate location from the originals.
- Apply online for a co-op work permit - it is a faster processing time compared to paper applications.
Working On-Campus
Full-time international students are permitted to work on-campus if their valid study permit lists a condition that says they're allowed to work on-campus and have a social insurance number. Please visit the following links to access employment opportunities on-campus:
- For more information about Campus Student Employment Program (CSEP)
- For more information about Mohawk Student Association
- For more information about Learning Support Centre
Off-Campus Work Program
For updated information, please visit Citizenship and Immigration Canada (opens new window) website.
If you qualify, your study permit will allow you to work up to 24 hours per week:
- during regular academic sessions and
- full-time during scheduled breaks, such as the winter and summer holidays or spring break.
To qualify, you must:
- have a valid study permit
- be a full-time student
- be enrolled at a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) at the post-secondary level
- be studying in an academic, vocational or professional training program that leads to a degree, diploma or certificate that is at least six months in duration.
You will need a Social Insurance Number (opens new window). It is your responsibility to look for work. Even if you work off campus, your studies must be the main reason you are in Canada.
More information can be found by visiting the IRCC website (opens new window). If you have any questions please come to The Registrar's Office, call 1-844-767-6871 or international.services [at] mohawkcollege.ca (email us).
Post-Graduation Work Permit
Take a minute to read this important information if you intend to work in Canada after graduation:
- Do not work without being authorized to do so. If you do, you will be in contravention of the law and may be asked to leave Canada. Citizenship & Immigration Canada will allow students the opportunity to work up to three years after graduation without having to get a job offer and students are not required to get a job in their field of study. Read the detail on the CIC web site (opens new window)
- International Students who have successfully completed their post-secondary or graduate certificate program have the opportunity to work in Canada for a maximum of three years or the length of their program (which ever is less). The fee for the work permit is $150. When applying to the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program, you must pay the "Open Work Permit Holder" fee and the standard Work Permit fee. Both fees are payable in Canadian funds only. Students usually have 90 days after graduation to apply for a work permit.
- We recommend all students plan to take advantage of this North American work experience opportunity. Getting a job offer is a difficult challenge students must plan for soon after their arrival. Good marks, student participation, good communication skills, a good resume and an ability to establish rapport and carry on a casual conversation is important in securing a job offer.
Access our Post-Graduation Work Permit Application Guide for a list of the steps to apply!
Social Insurance Number (SIN#)
In order to work in Canada you must have a Social Insurance Number (SIN). Apply early for the SIN when you begin a job. It can take up to 5 - 6 weeks to issue a SIN, and until you have this number, an employer cannot pay you.
How to Apply for a SIN#
Apply in person for your SIN# at Service Canada (Human Resources Social Development (HRSDC) Office. Visit Service Canada (opens new window) for locations and times.
Income Tax
Employment income, scholarships, and bursaries are all subject to Canadian income tax and must be reported on line 130 of a tax return as other income. Chinese students benefit from a Canada-China Tax Treaty, Article 19, that allows Chinese students to deduct this income under line 256 specifying the treaty. Students will be issued a T4A Tax Information Slip from the College.
Tax forms must be completed by April 30th. This detailed information is available at the following government web site (opens new window). Review the data on the web site then talk to an International Staff for assistance with tax issues. You can also talk to a tax representative directly by calling International Tax Services (Revenue Canada) at 1-800-267-5177.
Summary Steps:
- On your tax return record all employment income from T4's
- Add awards or scholarship income on line 130; (Chinese students deduct same on line 256 quoting article 19 on Canada-China tax treaty)
- Deduct rent paid on Ontario Tax Credit Form
- Complete Schedule 11 for your tuition calculation and carry forward amounts
- Record the tax deducted
- Finish Return to calculate balance owing or tax payable.
Often students are eligible for income tax refunds, so seek council early and check the government web site (opens new window) for the latest tax information.
Required Information for Working in Canada
To work in Canada, a Social Insurance Number (SIN) is required. You will also be required to file your taxes for income earned while in Canada. Please see below for more information.
Social Insurance Number (SIN#)
In order to work in Canada you must have both a Work Permit (unless the job is on campus) and a Social Insurance Number (SIN). Apply early for the SIN when you begin a job. It can take up to 5 - 6 weeks to issue a SIN, and until you have this number, an employer cannot pay you.
Income Tax
Employment income, scholarships, and bursaries are all subject to Canadian income tax and must be reported on line 130 of a tax return as other income. Chinese students benefit from a Canada-China Tax Treaty, Article 19, that allows Chinese students to deduct this income under line 256 specifying the treaty. Students will be issued a T4A Tax Information Slip from the College.
Tax forms must be completed by April 30th. This detailed information is available at the following government web site (opens new window). Review the data on the web site then talk to an International Staff for assistance with tax issues. You can also talk to a tax representative directly by calling International Tax Services (Revenue Canada) at 1-800-267-5177.
Summary Steps:
- On your tax return record all employment income from T4's
- Add awards or scholarship income on line 130; (Chinese students deduct same on line 256 quoting article 19 on Canada-China tax treaty)
- Deduct rent paid on Ontario Tax Credit Form
- Complete Schedule 11 for your tuition calculation and carry forward amounts
- Record the tax deducted
- Finish Return to calculate balance owing or tax payable.
Often students are eligible for income tax refunds, so seek council early and check the government web site (opens new window) for the latest tax information.
Employment Workshops and Events
Student and Graduate Employment offers many workshops, Lunch and Learns, job fairs and more and some are specifically for international students wishing to work in Canada.
See a list of all employment events for international students
Contact Your Career Advisor
For information about working in Canada, work permits and advice on career paths and options, please contact the International Career Advisor in the Student and Graduate Employment department to set up an appointment:
Email: hussam.eldib [at] mohawkcollege.ca (hussam[dot]eldib[at]mohawkcollege[dot]ca)
Room: F114, Fennell campus
Phone: 905-575-2176
If you have general questions regarding immigration, or other issues, you can call Mohawk International at 1-844-767-6871. You can also contact:
Immigration Resources
Citizenship & Immigration Canada
Webpage: Citizenship & Immigration Canada (opens new window)
Immigration Information Call Centre: 001-888-242-2100